Chapter 20 Positive

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         Two lines..... Means Postive.... Mehek gasped in shock. How is it even possible?, she was aghast. Her heartbeats became faster and sweat beads formed on her forehead. She had been taking birth control pills regularly to avoid any mishap. Hence it was shock to her that she is pregnant. They never used protection but Mehek believed that Shaurya expected her to be careful. They haven't even completed an year of their marriage; not even a couple of months. It was too early to have a child. 

Mehek wasn't ready and got afraid. But she was scared more thinking about Shaurya's reaction. She knew he has a dark side that he kept away from her. Now she was petrified thinking about him. What if he doesn't want a child? Can I blame him? Will he force me to give it up?  Will I be able to live with guilt if I accede? ,she wept bitterly, touching her stomach. Although she wasn't prepared, killing her child was last thing she wished. Will Shaurya leave me if I go against him? Or will he harm us in anger?, Her mind was in turmoil while she curled up and cried.

Shaurya held on to the bouquet of Lilies and opened the door of penthouse softly. He had left office early and wanted to surprise Mehek by sneaking into the house. While he tiptoed into their bedroom , he heard her whimpers and soft cries. He quickly opened the door and found her in bed. "Mehek", his voice startled her for a moment and then she continued to weep again, "Why are you upset? What happened?". He dashed to her side to hold her in his arms yet she didn't stop crying. He felt her shivering so he rubbed her back to give her comfort. "Tell me what happened?", he asked again. And this time his voice was firm. Mehek tried to control her sobs and held the pregnancy test stick towards him. He looked at it and then to her. "I am pregnant", she revealed to him amidst tears.

It wasn't the way she ever imagined to convey the big news to the father of her unborn child. When she was married to Kunal, he was clear about not having kids until they were well settled. Although not spoken aloud, Kunak always behaved that it was her responsibility to take care of it. Shaurya never breached topic about kids so Mehek assumed with confidence that he too preferred to plan later. Kunal would have easily blamed her but she could have managed to convince him to keep the baby. With Shaurya, she wasn't sure. He never did anything to hurt her but she was sure if he wanted he could become dangerously adamant. She will be shattered if he forces her to give up their child. On other hand, losing Shaurya and her newly found happiness will also break her.

"Shaurya, I swear....I swear on my mother's name that I was careful. I don't how it happened despite the precautions", she talked quickly. Shaurya opened his mouth to speak but she didn't allow him, "I know it's all my fault. I fully accept my guilt. I understand that you aren't ready for a child but please...", he held her chin firmly, not allowing her to finish. "How will it be your fault, Mrs Khanna? Last time I checked, it takes both of us to make a baby. Why didn't I use protection if I was so concerned?", he humoured but with serious tone. Mehek gulped hard unable to understand him. "And how could you assume that I don't want our child. Did I ever tell you? ", he asked and Mehek shook her head. 

They sat in silence for few minutes until he asked abruptly, "Don't you want to give birth to our child, Mehek? Aren't you happy that I got you pregnant?". Her eyes widened in shock. "I am happy. It is true that I am not prepared but I love our child. I was just worried about your reaction", she was quick to answer. Indeed, she was too anxious about Shaurya that she forget to feel blessed and be glad. Her response made him smile. He wiped her tears and pulled her cheeks. "Then this is great news, my dear Wifey. Infact this is the best that has ever happened to me", he touched her stomach, "Our child. A symbol of our Love". He kept his head on her stomach, "Can you hear me, Sweetheart? This is your Dad". "Shaurya, it's too early", she pushed him away playfully. She laughed while tears of happiness adorned her cheeks. "Thank you, Mehek. For giving me the biggest happiness", his kissed her forehead. She hugged him tightly and whispered into his ears, "I love you, Shaurya". "I love you too, Mehek", he reciprocated her feelings.

Few days later. Mehek got ready in her favourite anarkali suit and stood before the full sized mirror trying to tie her dori. She turned sideways, looked at her imaged and touched her belly. She imagined her appearance when baby grows bigger and tried to make out her barely visible baby bump. "It's too early, my butterfly", it was Shaurya's turn to tease her. She gave a shy smile while he came behind and tied her dori. "How will I look in few months?", she asked childishly. "Like a pumpkin. A cute one for sure", he joked. Mehek pouted, "Really? From butterfly to pumpkin. You progressed too quick". She turned away being angry but melted when he hugged from behind. "I am sorry, Mehek. What shall I get you to make it up to you?", he asked. Mehek pushed him away, "Let it be, Shaurya. You promised to take me to Switzerland but it never happened. You are all talk and nothing else", she taunted him. "Shaurya Khanna never wavers from him word", he held her again, "What do you desire? I want to know what will make you happier?". Mehek's eyes twinkled when he promised to grant any of her wish. "Will you restart your therapy?", her words were least expected so he moved back a bit. Quickly Mehek held his hand to appeal, "for Me and our Baby". He pulled her into his arms and sighed. As promised her, he agreed, "As you wish".

Mehek couldn't believe that Shaurya agreed to take professional help. Although he appeared to be fine, she knew with professional help he will get better. Her happiness knew no bound when Shaurya agreed to her suggestion. Shaurya wanted to give the best for his child. His father was a failure but he will never follow his footsteps. But to become the best father and better husband, first he needs to be a good human. Mehek was not wrong. He needs to treat his troubled mind.

Mehek got ready and awaited for Shaurya. They were having dinner at Khanna mansion. Harish Khanna was moved to back to Khanna mansion along with Nurse Greta. Nehal & Vicky were also invited for the dinner. Nehal was in her last trimester and Mehek was so excited to meet her. She wished that both brothers would reconcile and they would be a big happy family.

"God bless you" ,Harish blessed Mehek when Shaurya shared their good news to him. Vicky and Nehak too congratulated Mehek. Vicky stood indecisively before Shaurya but congratulated him. "Hope you will take good care of her, Bro", he told Shaurya. "She is precious to me", he replied back to Vicky, indicating that he needn't worry about Mehek anymore. Nehal was extremely emotional. She had tough time to converse with her sister but Mehek made her at ease, "It's okay, Nehal. Whatever happened, happened for good. Eventually I found my happiness". Nehal squeezed her hands while Shaurya came beside them, "I once told you, Sister-in-law. It's all for the best". He winked at her and pecked Mehek. Nehal could feel the warnings he threw at her. She remained quiet eventhough she had no trust in her brother-in-law. Yet she calmed herself that he treated Mehek like a Queen and her sister was happy with him in their new haven.

Dinner went fine and Mehek laughed a lot. She was surprised when cook brought chocolate shake , prepared specially for her. She knew Shaurya was behind it, for her to have her favourite dessert treat. Vicky and Nehal chose to stay at the mansion for the night while Shaurya & Mehek left to the penthouse. She was feelings so sleepy that she yawned many times. Probably their tiny bundle of joy is already tiring her. Unfamiliar route to their home made her curious but Shauyra brushed it aside, "You are too tired. So sleep now". She dozed off while keeping her head on Shaurya's shoulder.

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