Chapter 5 Siblings

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                           "This is preposterous", Vicky yelled while throwing the paper away. Nehal dubiously sat at the corner and looked at both Vicky & their lawyer. "Mr Khanna, you will be charged with drug trafficking and sentenced to jail. You will be destroyed. By the time you are out of prison, your child will be of age of marriage", his lawyer argued with him. Vicky gazed at Nehal who wept silently holding her baby bump. "Even then I cannot put entire blame of Mehek. She is like a sister to me. Her life will be spoiled. She has already suffered a lot", Vicky talked to his lawyer but was actually speaking his heart to Nehal. "I understand, Mr Khanna. Ms Mehek's lawyer will help her accordingly. She can plead not guilty citing that she was unaware of presence of drugs. But if you don't give this statement, you both will be tried. Don't you think it is better that atleast you will be free to support her to fight for justice?", he coaxed Vicky to sign. Vicky was still no convinced but Nehal slowly walked to his side. She took the pen and pressed it to his palm, "Sign it Vicky. We will deal with consequences later". Vicky was startled by her attitude but signed it silently.

Once Nehal walked out of the police station, their lawyer dialed a number and gave his phone to her. "Hello Nehal", Shaurya greeted her. She fumed with anger and tears fell from her eyes, "I threw Di out of my house. I convinced Vicky to sign the documents.I did everything you asked". "Good Girl", he appreciated her, "Don't worry, Nehal. Mehek is safe at my house. Vicky will be released soon. All will be fine as I promised". "Please don't hurt my sister", Nehal wept holding the handset. " sweeyt sister-in-law. I want to make Mehek as mine. One day you will realise that these were necessary evil to crown her as my Queen. Trust me, it's for her best", he tried to appease Nehal. However she knew, he was lying. She nodded and disconnected the call. She felt so low that she had traded her sister to the beast for her husband & child.

Adv. Hooda was an efficient but expensive lawyer. Mehek would never been able to afford him even for a consultation if not for Shaurya. Adv. Hooda had already done his homework and used his influence to pull out information. "There is good news and bad news", he addressed both Shaurya & Mehek, "The good news is Vicky got bail". Mehek smiled while Shaurya asked cautiously, "And the bad news?". "Vicky had placed entire blame on Mehek. His statement clearly accuses her for the entire mess". "Vicky, you swine", Shaurya sweared while Mehek remained dumbfound. 

Hooda jumped quick into damage control. The best proposed solution was to return in same coin and put entire blame on Vicky. But Mehek refused. Hooda was impressed by her honesty and courage, "Okay, in that case we will stick to the story of the patisserie chef who got fired few days back. Since he is still missing, we can count on the motive as revenge by tarnishing image of Chef Mehek and her restaurant". They agreed and Hooda stood up to leave. "As long as the hospitalized customer is alive and out of danger, we still have hope", he told them before leaving them.

Mehek sat down with hands covering her face. She felt so drained and tired. Shaurya enjoyed her distress. She is cornered and alone. One more slight blow, she will fall hard. Then she will have none but him to be the shoulder to cry on. Soon she will be laid beneath him to ravish and ruin. He hid his grin and walked beside her. Before he could console her, a voice interrupted, "Mehek". "Vicky", both Shaurya and Mehek were surprised alike.

"Why are you here?", they both asked in unison. "I am here to take you back home", he held her hand and glared at Shaurya, "far away from this heartless liar". "Says the one who gave an official statement to frame Mehek", Shaurya hit the right chord to disarm Vicky. He was unable to counter but turned to Mehek, "I am sorry, Mehek but I can explain. Right now you need to leave Khanna mansion. I am well aware of this so called Brother of mine. He is helping you with an ulterior motive. And trust me it won't be pretty when you face it". Although she was still angry at Vicky, Mehek started showing signs to understand Vicky. Shaurya understood that he was losing the battle. "Stop painting me the Villain when you are the culprit. If you are so sorry for your ill deeds then tell me where is Nehal? Why didn't she come to apologize and take back sister? Does she even approve of bringing Mehek back home?", he shot intelligently. Vicky staggered and Mehek understood that Nehal was not in favour to take her back.

"Vicky", after few moments Mehek spoke, "Please go back to Nehal. She is with child and needs you support". "But Mehek...", he was indecisive. "Don't worry about me. I don't know about Shaurya's intentions but he had been so far extremely noble to me. But since you are not at ease with me staying here with your brother, I will move out", she told him. Shaurya was angered beyond his wits but he calmed himself and let her converse, "I have asked my friend Sonal if I can stay with her for few days". "Good", Vicky was at ease, "I promise to convince Nehal in few days". Mehek walked slowly towards Shaurya, "I am grateful for everything you did for me. I hope you understand why I have to leave. It's better this way". Although a raging war was ongoing inside him, Shaurya masked it with a smile, "I respect your decision, Mehek. But please promise me that you won't hesitate to call me if you are in trouble". She nodded in agreement.

Awara came in to inform Shaurya that Vicky had taken Mehek to drop at Sonal's place. He nodded his head and focused on Hooda's parting words, 'As long as the hospitalized customer is alive and out of danger, we still have hope'. "Awara, get me the Doctor who is taking care of Nikki", he ordered Awara.

Next Chapter : Chapter 6 Ex - Husband

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