Chapter 1

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Natsu's POV

"Natsu! Why are you in my bed AGAIN?" I groan as I hear Lucy practically scream in my ear. 

"Luuucccy why are you always so loud in the morning?" I groan out covering my head with a pillow. She knows how sensitive my ears are and yet she does this every morning. 

I let her yell yadda yadda yadda, something about me sleeping in her apartment, in her room, in her bed while she was already there, whatever. Until I realize I have a hard on. A very visible hard on. Fuck, it's a good thing I'm under the covers. I turn over and bury my head under a pillow while on my stomach. I don't want to die today.

Fuck distract yourself, distract, distract, distract. I practically scream in my head. Mavis why do I have to love her? I ask myself. I peak out from under the pillow to see the red tint brushed across her face as she pouted at me. I bury my head again. Fuck that's why, she's perfect. 

I uncover my head and look at her, "Hey Lucy don't you need to pay your rent? Let's go on a job!" I watch as she froze and ran over to her calendar. I then jump up and run to the bathroom. "I call the toilet first!" I call out as I run in, locking the door behind me. 

I pull down my pants, because as much as I would love to ravage her and pound her into next week, I don't. I start masterbating thinking about her, Lucy. I hear her humming a little song as I'm sure she packs up her things for whatever mission we pick out. I think about her soft honey brown eyes that always have that spark in them like there is a fire that she can't let out. I keep pumping groaning a little. 

Or about how her golden hair glows like a fucking halo when the sun peaks in through her window on the mornings I'm lucky enough to wake up before her. I just watch in awe while I hold her knowing that she is always cold and watch as she clings to me in her sleep, I desperately wish that she would do that when she was awake. The feel of her soft firm body against mine almost to much in and of its own. Not to mention her luscious curves, her thick ass and large breast more than enough for any one man her waist a little thin but I know she eats and takes care of herself. I content myself thinking all the food she eats goes to her beautiful curves.

Then I would think about her sweet, soft ivory pale skin that never seemed to have a blemish on it. Wounds sure, dirt and general grime yeah of course, we work hard for a living. But a blemish? Never. I remember again how smooth her skin feels against my own. 

Fuck, not enough. I hear Lucy humming again on the other side of the door. Her voice, so soft and gentle except when I piss her off that is. Otherwise it was the voice of an angel. The sweetness of her singing seemingly stopping the world Mavis knows it never failed to stop me in my tracks. But the best was when she said my name. Fuck!

"Natsu?" I hear her say at exactly the right time I release my load and start to clean up. "Natsu are you still in there?" 

"Yeah, I'll be out in a minute," I say as I finish cleaning up, flushing the toilet and washing my hands. The rest of my senses having caught up to me; she had cooked and I could smell the fried eggs, bacon and pancakes the moment I opened the door. 

"Did you leave any for me?" I ask her.

"Kitchen table," she motions me away taking her clean clothes into the bathroom with her as she starts her shower. Yes, she had to be able to cook like any and every man's dream too. 

I walk into the kitchen and find about a dozen eggs, a plate full of bacon and a large stack of pancakes. I finish quickly and clean up after myself. I'm a mess and I know it, the least I can do is clean the handful of dishes that I dirty. 

I walk into Lucy's bedroom content to just flop on her bed and wait for her but as I walk by the bathroom I freeze. I hear the shower running but I hear something else too. My dragon senses just tune everything out one at a time; sharpening my already perfect hearing. My vision fades, I barely see the bathroom door in front of me. My sense of smell and touch leave quickly but I grow dizzy. I feel myself start to shake unable to believe what I was hearing. 

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