Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

John clutched the letters in his hand as he stood out on the balcony. He had written a note to every one of his friends on why he was going to run away. He was planning on finding a post office and dropping off the letters. He knew if he saw his friends they would convince him not to run away. But what was the point in staying? His heart, no matter what Smii7y had done, still beats for the Canadian and it would never change. John wouldn't even know what to do if he ever saw Smii7y on the streets. It was a mixture of punching, hugging, and might possibly kiss him.

John sighed and rubbed his arms as a cold breeze hit him. His letter for Sara sat cozily on his bed along with a necklace he had forgotten to give to her. It was the least he could do for her for putting up with him. John knew he wasn't the easiest person to deal with and on top of dealing with Smii7y as well when they were younger. John knew that a necklace wasn't the best thing he could have given her. He looked back to his dark room and sighed.

A part of him would miss living here. It was warm, safe, and dare he say luxurious. He would only have his memories and most of his memories were pleasant until he turned 13. That was when his father and mother had changed to people he hardly recognized. They went from loving parents to downright cold ones. If John could compare them to anything he would compare them to the coldest of nights that not even the warmest blanket could keep you warm. He struggled for 4 years trying to be this perfect son that they always seem to expect from him.

That was until Smii7y had came along. John knew if Smii7y didn't come into his life he wouldn't even be thinking about running away. He probably would be marrying Sara, maybe even falling for her. He would be running the company that his father had owned and then have a family of his own. Of course when he does he wouldn't treat his children like his own parents had did. He would love them and wouldn't expect anything from them other then their respect for him.

John shook his head and went towards the edge where vines were growing up the wall. He grabbed the vine, hissing when he felt the snow under his palms. He took a deep breath and started to climb his way down. John slipped a couple of times but he made it down to the bottom safely. There was a crunch under his footsteps but John didn't paid any attention to that. His goal was to find the secret entrance that Smii7y was using whenever he came over.

'If a dumbass like him could find it then so can I,' John thought as he went through the maze.

Jaren grabbed his coat and placed it on. He was going to see John and hopefully he could beg for his forgiveness. Jaren knew he probably would never have a chance but he had to try. His hands immediately went to the gloves he usually kept on the counter. It was strange to think how his life had become this way. For once he was putting feelings over everything Eli had taught him. His hands grabbed the keys and made his way outside.

The air was pretty chilly and snow had freshly coat the ground. The sky was clear and the stars were shining even though the city lights were just as bright. Jaren didn't know what to think of this clear weather but he didn't ponder too long as he made his way towards his black car. When he got inside, he turned it on and made sure the air conditioner was on heat. His face warmed up and he took off his gloves as they we're getting a bit stuffy.

Once the car was heated, Jaren pulled out of the makeshift driveway and made his way over to the Keyes Residence. The radio was on but the sound was set to low. There was a song playing on the radio by Billie Eilish and Khalid. Jaren couldn't think of the name but he did think the song was lovely. It was soft and soothing, and almost made him fall asleep on the wheel. He hadn't slept as well as he should because of guilt but he knew that seeing John would fix some of it.

His heart raced thinking about the platinum blonde and his face flushed. Jaren places it on how changing from cold to hot was the cause and not because of John. The song had changed but Jaren's mind was elsewhere. He hadn't really thought of what he was going to say when he saw John. Hell he didn't even think John was going to let him after what he had done. He was just hoping John didn't realize he was in the room until it was too late and then they could have a conversation. Jaren saw the secret entrance up ahead and smiled.

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