Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Smii7y wanted to punch a wall. He wanted to let his frustration out but he couldn't do that without destroying a wall... or maybe 2. After his night of drinking, and obvious hangover, he realized he didn't really need to be afraid of Matt. If he even did recognize him he didn't owe him an explanation. This was his life to make and no person could tell him otherwise.

Of course his friends weren't too happy that he came home drunk once again. The conversation they had in his mind still vivid.

Smii7y hiccuped once before he entered his underground home. His mind was a bit fuzzy but he felt good. He felt like he could rule the world and that no one could stop him. Of course the drinking only got intense after iNoToRiOuS had gotten out the stronger alcohol but it still didn't let it get to him. His parents did make sure he developed a high tolerance for alcohol growing up. He could picture his parents looking down right Shock when they get a good look at him. Ruining the perfect brown hair they gave him and hiding his brown eyes behind contacts.

"What's up fuckers," Smii7y said as he stumbled into the room.

"Smii7y are you drunk again," Tyler said with disdain.

"Meeeee naaaah just a lil," Smii7y said holding his thumb and index finger close together.

"Were you with Eli again," Jay said.

Smii7y didn't want to admit it but Eli had came for a bit. He only wanted to drop off his stuff but not before taking a chug of sake. That Asian fuck.

"Naaaah ahaha nah," Smii7y said.

"You were Ugh we've told you how much we didn't like him," Jay said.

"You can't tell me who I can and who I can't hang out with," Smii7y hissed out as he used the walk for balance.

"You came home drunk two nights in a row Smii7y you hardly ever go out drinking," Tyler said.

"I live my life the way I want to live it," Smii7y said.

"We're just worried for you buddy," Craig chimed in which earned him a glare.

"Iiii... can take... care of maself," Smii7y stuttered just wanting to pass out at this point.

"Clearly," Scotty mumbled.

"If this becomes a habit we're gonna have to do something about it," Jay said.

"I go out and have some fun because my friends are big pussies about doing anything fun and I get shitted on," Smii7y said.

"Imagine if Blarg was here what would he think of our leader," Tyler said.

"He would fucking join me that's what," Smii7y grumbled remembering the good times he had with him.

"Just go to bed Smii7y," Jay said calmly.

"Tch don't need to explain myself to you guys," Smii7y lastly said before heading to his room.

That was the last thing Smii7y said to them and it wouldn't bother him if nobody had came over. But still they weren't his fucking parents, what right did they have to judge him for doing the things he did. It's not like he ever does, he's the last person to ever judge them for wanting to escape this rich life. Smii7y shook his head wanting to get those unwanted feelings out. He didn't need a pity party right now.

Smii7y rubbed his hand through his hair as he sighed. He couldn't be too mad at his friends, they do care about him more then they should. He groaned and flared at the wall, but it still didn't excuse their behavior. Deciding that he didn't want to brood much longer, Smii7y got up and headed to the main building. He smirked when he saw Jay and Tyler talking with each other.

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