Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

'I couldn't be.. I can't be gay,' John thought as he was getting fitted.

It never really occurred to John that he could possibly be gay, hell he could have been bi too. But he shouldn't be, not when his parents had shown their distaste towards them. They would have made sure he wouldn't turn out to be gay or whatever. But his heart was racing whenever he thought of his thief. He blinked in shock, when had he ever though Smii7y was his. He should hate the man who took advantage of him.

He should hate him because of what he did to Fitz... but he really doesn't know what he did to Fitz. All he knows was that he was a terrible person who cares about no one but himself. He wanted to touch his lips thinking about the night before but the stylist was adamant he stayed still as he did the final touches on the suit. It also amazes him that this stylist made this in a day. Of course when Mr Keyes request you to do something you have to do it. He moved into a different position as the stylist instructed.

"This is boring," Fitz said as he watched John from the side.

"Oh shit I forgot you were here," John said trying to look towards him.

"Head forward," the stylist said making John roll his eyes.

"Wow Kryoz you finally wanted to hang out after school and you don't even know I'm here," Fitz said.

"Alright you may take off the suit. I shall have the final adjustments in the next couple of days. Now will you be sending the measurements or shall I," the stylist said turning towards Fitz.

"I don't know you I guess," Fitz said feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"Ugh you need new help Mr Keyes Jr," the stylist said walking out of the room.

"I mean I don't work for him you know oh he's gone," Fitz said as John started to take off the suit.

"Ugh sorry about him," John said as Fitz turned around.

"No problem really I must look really poor compared to you," Fitz said making John wince.

"Come on man," John said as he finished putting on his clothes.

"All in good fun buddy," Fitz said when his phones pinged.

John watched closely as Fitz took out his phone and a blush soon appearing on his face. John smirked at the blushing Fitz as he quickly sent a reply back to whoever he was messaging.

"Oooooh Fitz has a secret boyfriend," John said peaking over Fitz' shoulder.

"Whaaat no I don't shut up," Fitz said pushing him back.

"Come on Fitz you know you're bad at keeping secrets," John said as the two walked out of the shop.

"Ughhhh I know I just can't help it I'm such a gossiper," Fitz said as they walked towards his home.

"So who's gonna be over at your place," John asked.

"Just the gang I can't believe your dad let you have his sleepover," Fitz said.

'Well it's not like he's here to tell me no,' John thought.

"Yeah he's maybe warming up to you guys who knows," John lied.

"We can do our nails and do our makeup oooh it's going to be so much fun," Fitz said talking about random things.

John was about to answer him when he could feel his phone vibrate. He took it out and almost groaned when he saw it was a message from his mother.

"Hi John Sweetie I got your measurements and it seems to me that you're getting a bit overweight. No dinner for tonight okay have a good one ;)," she had sent which almost made John crack his phone.

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