Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

If you ever told Smii7y he would find love after his relationship with Fitz he would have laughed. If you ever told Smii7y he would be risking his life just to see his new found love he would have collapsed to the floor. If you ever told Smii7y he would change for this person he would look at you crazy. If you ever told Smii7y he was slowly ruining his relationship with his friends by pursuing this relationship he most likely would have killed you. Smii7y stared glumly at his phone. The latest text conversation with John was currently in front of him.

Kwyloz: You're a loser

I'm you're loser: Smii7y

Kwyloz: I wish you weren't my life would be complete without you

Puuuuhlease you're life would be burning: Smii7y

Kwyloz: my life boring? Pffft as if

If you didn't want my company you would have added cameras to your balcony: Smii7y

Kwyloz: maybe I like the privacy

I like your privacy 😏: Smii7y

Kwyloz: gross 🤢

You know you love me 😉: Smii7y

And that was were their messages stopped. It puzzled Smii7y why John wouldn't respond back. It irked him that John wasn't responding. Who leaves someone on read when they don't say bye. Smii7y was bored and he might as well just head over to see John. It's not like Smii7y didn't ruin most of his friendships pursing this relationship with John.

'Maybe letting John tell them how much of an amazing person I am will finally let them know I'm being serious with this,' Smii7y thought.

Of course he would most likely be on Fitz's most hated person whenever he finds out but he'll cross that bridge when he gets there. For now he wants to enjoy his newfound feelings for the platinum blonde and maybe convince him to leave his place. He decided that when Christmas comes around he'll finally tell John everything; from his past in Canada to his actual relationship with Fitz. He wants to start over and he feels like he could trust John.

Smii7y left his room and happily made his way to the main base. He nearly tripped when he saw two people sitting on the couch. They were Tyler and Scotty. The tv was on and the two were just silently watching the news that was playing. Smii7y's eyes wondered to the tv silently hearing what the news was saying.

"Asianboy strikes again," the anchorman said as the tv showed a bank that was robbed.

"But he has a new partner now," the anchorwoman said peaking Smii7y's interest.

"Yes the famous thief Asianboy doesn't work with his young partner anymore now he's working with serial fraud Puffer," the anchorman said.

"Has the young thief been caught or was this just a set up for the bigger picture," the anchorwoman said.

"Didn't think Eli would have replaced you," Scotty said as he turned around.

"Eli is his own man he can do whatever he wants," Smii7y said.

"Yeah but you guys were the original duo," Scotty continued making Smii7y roll his eyes.

"You guys hate it when I hang out with Eli why do you even care now," Smii7y said.

"Because he's a crook," Tyler said.

"And what we do doesn't qualify as being a crook," Smii7y said.

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