Chapter 44

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Chapter 44 (Yes this is real)

"Of all the irresponsible things you could have done," John's father started when John had sat down at the table.

John stared blankly at him. He knew this conversation was coming after the stunt he pulled last night. His eyes were still heavy from crying all night, but luckily his eyes don't give away that he cried. Only people who saw him cry would know and the look Sara was giving him didn't make him feel any better.

"Yes father," John said.

"I agree to let you invite your friends if they didn't do anything stupid and there you go dancing with one of your friends like you guys were intimate," he said.

"I didn't realize my friend would do that," John replied.

"Do you know how embarrassed we were when we saw you dancing with a boy? You're lucky I decided to announce the marriage then and there," John's father said.

"I..." John said.

"Never have I ever been disrespected like that do you know what the others were saying about you," His father continued.

"No father as you know I left shortly after and didn't return," John said.

"They were talking about how the Fong kid and how those rapscallion friends of yours had given you the homosexual disease. Your mother and I tried so hard to let them know you are engaged and the announcement wasn't a cover up to hide your true sexuality," his father said.

"I swear to you father I am not gay," John said lying to him.

"Of course you aren't a f.... gay but everyone important does. I need you to go out with Sara more to disprove this claim," his father said.

"Of course father it's always a pleasure to spend time with my future wife," John said.

"That brings us to our next topic never do I ever want to hear you say you're inviting them again do I make myself clear," he said.

"Of course father," John said.

"The hooligans you call your friends could have possibly ruined everything that I worked for. Does that mean nothing to you," his father said.

"Of course not father," John said.

"Not only did you embarrass us you could had seriously ruin the marriage we worked so hard for," his mother chimed in.

"Yes apparently the Elias' have experienced something like this before heaven's knows you don't repeat what the Smith's son has done," his father said.

"I promise it's not like that father," John said his eyes making brief contact with Sara.

"I don't even want to look at you right now," his father said.

"I'm sorry father," John said.

"I thought long and hard about your punishment because you definitely deserve one," he said.

"Of course," John said.

"Next semester you are going to the same private school Sara is going to," he said.

"What you can't," John said his eyes widening.

"I can and I will I don't ever want you to be distracted with these hooligans... I'll allow you to hang out with them when you're not in school but when you are I want to hear nothing about them," his father said.

"Anything else," John said.

"That should be suitable enough," He said then continued with, "you shall finish breakfast and then to your room I still don't want to look at you."

"Oh you poor thing you must be traumatized," his mother said to Sara.

"I'm alright ma'am," Sara said.

"First he dances with you and then my son the horror," his mother said.

"Ummm Yeah," Sara said not knowing what to say.

"By the way John I went ahead and scheduled an appointment for you to cut your hair next Saturday. Consider it my Christmas gift to you," she said smirking at him.

"Thank you so much mother," John said.

"I'll see the two of you around," his mother said sweetly as she left the dinning room.

John didn't even feel like eating. He pushed his plate away and sighed. How did his life end up like this? How in the world did he go from being okay with his parents to them down right hating him.

'I'd probably long gone if I wasn't their son,' John thought as he felt Sara sit next to him.

"Are you okay," she mumbled.

"No... sorry I'm not in the mood to talk I'll see you at lunch," John mumbled feeling like crying all over again.

"Don't keep yourself locked up try and contact him... he'll understand," she said smiling at him softly.

John watched Sara get up and leave the dining area. John looked down at his full plate and decided he wasn't hungry. He got up himself and left to go to his room. It was pretty much the only safe place he has. When he reached his room he immediately took out his phone and collapsed on the bed. He unlocked his phone and immediately went to messages. He opened his conversation with Smii7y and started texting.

Smii7y? :John

Please I'm sorry: John

I never wanted to hurt you: John

I... I just didn't know how to bring it up: John

I was going to tell you soon: John

But then you snuck your way in the gala and I had no time: John

Please Smii7y... I love you: John

John sighed when he didn't get a response back. He expected that this would be the case but it still didn't hurt any less. John wondered if he really did ruin his chances with Smii7y. John laughed.

'Oh the irony I finally get to be free of him,' John thought.

John soon realized both of his group chats haven't been messaging. He knew his rich friends wouldn't be texting him as they're probably asleep at this time but he knows Fitz and the others are awake. John quickly sent a message to the group chat saying.

Hey guys: John

John locked his phone and placed it next to him. He looked up at the ceiling and then closed his eyes. How did his life end up like this? How in the world did he end up falling for a thief and then breaking their heart? John could feel tears well up in his eyes.

'Even now when I'm alone I'm pitiful,' John thought when he heard a ping.

John grabbed his phone and smiled brightly as he saw Smii7y had replied.

MilkBag: I don't want you spamming so I'm letting you know that I need some time to just think. This is really big and... I need time... I promise once I figure this out I'll come and see you

John sighed a bit happier knowing there was still some hope for the both of them.

I'm in a good mood so I'll treat you guys with a chapter! Regular chapter will resume on Friday

With lots of love 💛

Brofish 👊🐟

Lovely ||Krii7y||Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ