Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

"This is a stupid idea," Eli said as he was laying on Smii7y's bed.

"Hey stupid is my specialty," Smii7y said smiling widely.

"Yeah but this is beyond stupid it's out right dangerous," Eli said making Smii7y roll his eyes.

Smii7y looked himself once over in the mirror. He was wearing his white tux but he changed it up a bit. He had several black stripes going down his sleeves and down his pants. On his face was a white mask that was shaped as a wildcat. His silver hair was slicked back and he wasn't wearing his contacts so his brown eyes were staring right back at him.

"Come on Eli this is gonna be fuuuun," Smii7y said.

"No this is not fun; what fun is robbing all those empty houses" Eli said.

"That does seem like fun but I want to be with John and dance with him," Smii7y said.

"You can do that afterwords not during... a lot of big people are going to be there and you're going to risk you life for a dance," Eli said sitting up.

"It's different... John is worth the dance," Smii7y said blushing.

"No he isn't you're just going to be embarrassing him maybe even shunning him," Eli reasoned as he got up.

"That's what you say but what I'm saying is that he'll enjoy me crashing the party," Smii7y said as he left the room.

"Smii7y please as your friend you shouldn't do this," Eli said as he followed him.

"I'm doing this and there's nothing you can say to stop me," Smii7y said as he put on his gloves.

"I guess not then," Eli grumbled and then sighing out of frustration.

"Fine I'll drop you off but I'll be back in an hour. That'll give you enough time to have your dance," Eli said.

"And that's why you're the best," Smii7y said as the two of them left.

The drive spent was pretty much Smii7y ignoring what Eli had to say about the whole idea. He didn't dress this fancy for nothing. Plus John would appreciate him sweeping him off his feet and then taking him away for the rest of the night. Smii7y told him the blind spot and soon they reached their destination.

"There's nothing I can do to really change your mind," Eli said.

"No so I'll see you in an hour," Smii7y said getting out of the car.

Smii7y waited until Eli has pulled away before opening the secret entrance. This was something he wasn't willing to share with Eli just yet. The path to John's balcony was filled with the crunch of the snow and Smii7y regretting wearing his nice shoes for this. After managing not getting his outfit dirty from climbing the vines he made his way inside. John's room was empty and void of any life. Smii7y made his way to the door and took a deep breath.

'Now or never,' Smii7y thought as he opened the door.

The hallway was empty but he could hear the light sound of music. Smii7y followed the sound and soon found himself just outside of the ballroom. With another breath Smii7y opened the ballroom door and sneaked inside. Smii7y scrunched his nose at the sight of all these nicely dressed rich people. Their smiles were fake as they tried to be friendly with one another. Smii7y remembered when he had to be polite to higher class, of course he never really tried hard enough.

Smii7y's roamed the ballroom where he spot a group of people he recognized. Of course he knew his crew would actually be here so he wasn't too worried about them. If they wanted to reveal the things they hid from John he would let them. His eyes scanned the room once more and noticed another group of people that made him feel a bit sick. Of course John would actually invite the Misfits, Smii7y decided that they wouldn't be an actual problem. He's wearing a mask so he hopefully thought they wouldn't recognize him.

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