Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Smii7y thought about his deal with John; it was most likely the best move he could have ever made. Kissing was a sure good way to make someone fall for you and Smii7y knew it was only a matter of time that John falls for his good looks and charms. It's how he still managed to keep his friends.

'They know I'm adorable,' Smii7y thought as he watched John move around the room from the comfort of John's bed.

He decided to visit the blonde early tonight knowing that none of the guys would actually be there. They told him that they still had to make some last minute adjustment to their outfits before the ball gets any closer. Of course through Craig he figured out it was a masquerade ball and he was deciding if he wanted to crash the party or not. No one would know he would be there and the likely that Matt notices him would be slim to none.

"You really want to know more about me don't you," Smii7y mused as he was currently laying on John's bed.

"I... I do," John said as he sat on the corner of the bed.

"Well you know the deal we made," Smii7y said pointing to his lips.

Smii7y watched as John got up from his corner and made his way towards him. He watched him get up on the bed and crawl towards him. He could feel John's breath as he got closer to his lips and he couldn't help but lean upwards catching John in a surprise. John pulled back and there was a noticeable blush on his face. Smii7y smirked as he watched John scramble away from him.

"I hate you," John mumbled as he got back on the bed.

"Nah I know you love me," Smii7y said then laughed as John stuck his tongue out at him.

"Now tell me about the place you lived from," John said as his eyes reached Smii7y's.

"I lived in the cold fronts of Canada; fighting off bears and moose alike while chugging down a bottle of maple syrup," Smii7y said.

"Ugh that's not what I meant and you know it," John said.

"I'm kidding sheesh take a joke," Smii7y said.

"Please tell me something," John said pouting at Smii7y.

"Alright alright... how about I tell you on how I first met Fitz," Smii7y said.

"Yes please," John said curiosity building in his eyes.

"Jaren sweetie," a voice called to a four year old.

Jaren looked up from the blocks he was playing with to look at his mother. She was dressed nicely and there was two people he didn't recognize behind her. Jaren frowned looking back and fourth between the strangers and his own mother.

"Yes mommy," Jaren said as she came over to him.

"You know how mommy and daddy are super busy," she said and Jaren nods his head.

"So instead of being alone I got Mrs. McKay to stay here with you," she said smiling brightly at him.

"But why can't I go with you," Jaren said.

"Because it's not safe for you okay sweetie," she said kissing on top of his head.

"Now be good with Mrs.McKay okay sweetie," she said as she left.

Jaren geared up as he watched his mother leave him once again. He looked at the tower of blocks he was excited to show her but then knocked it over knowing she would never actually see it. Mrs. McKay frowned as she watched the woman disappear from sight. She walked over to Jaren and knelt down to be at his height.

"That was a nice tower you had," she said.

"It's lame," Jaren said as he pushed around the blocks more.

"Maybe you can show Cameron how you make a tower," she said as she motioned for him to come.

Jaren watched as Cameron timidly came towards the two and got on his knees.

"Hi I'm Cameron," Cameron said.

"Hi I'm Jaren," Jaren replied as he picked up a block.

"What do you do for fun," Cameron asked when his mother wasn't looking.

Jaren smiles mischievously already liking the new boy.

(AN: Smii7y isn't saying his name this is a flashback he's experiencing)

"So your mom hired Cam's mom to be your babysitter," John asked breaking Smii7y out of his trance.

"Yeah I was a troublesome kid who needed constant watch," Smii7y said.

"Tell me another," John asked.

"It's already late," Smii7y said as he looked at the clock.

"Come on pleaaseeeeeee," John whined.

"No now goodnight," Smii7y said pecking John on the lips making him squawk.

Smii7y climbed down the balcony and his in the garden hedges. He waited 30 minutes before tentatively climbing up to vines to reach onto John's balcony. Once he was safely on he peeked into the room and saw the still person on the bed. He opened the door softly and smirked down at John's sleeping form. It's only been 20 minutes since he had supposedly left and John is already knocked out.

"Oh John," Smii7y said quietly.

His hands traced up John's still body as he watched John twitch from his touch. Oh how Smii7y just wanted to take him then and there, but he needed to confirms that John had slight feelings for him. It'll make it a lot easier for him when he makes his move towards the teen. He looked down and noticed a bulge coming from his pants.

Smii7y let his hands wonder towards the noticeable bulge and stroked it softly. He heard John moan softly as he continued to stroke him. Smii7y took noticed to how big John's penis was and the idea of taking it whole pleased him. Smii7y's hands went to the hem of John's pants and slowly took them off. He grabbed a hold of John's penis and licked the tip of it.

He heard John gasped and he looked over to see him still sleeping. He stroked it a bit more before taking him whole. It took him a bit to not choke on it as it was bigger then he would usually take. He bobbed up and could feel the precum go down his throat. He took it out with a pop and licked his lips tasting how salty John was. Smii7y grabbed his penis once again and started to jack it off.

"S...," Smii7y heard John mumble.

He looked over at him curiously and smirked when he saw a look of absolute pleasure on his face. Of course he was still sleeping and Smii7y knew this could be a tactic to speed up the process of making John fall for him. He also knew he was completely screwed if he was caught but he'll see when the time comes.

"Smii7y," was the word that came out of John's mouth as a moan.

Knowing that his job was done for now he let got of John's penis and licked his hands to get the rest of John's cum. He placed John's pants back up and then placed a kiss on his mouth. He walked away and made his way back to base. A feeling of satisfaction making his way through his whole body. His mind was at a high, normally higher then his usual one night stand. Smii7y didn't think nothing of it.

'It's not like I'm falling for him,' Smii7y thought as he made his way back home.

But there was that small voice in his mind that said

"But what if you are?"

So uhm some lime for you I guess. It's a mix of I like and I don't. Either way it's here and written. To be honest I thought this book was only going to be 20 chapters long; but as I continued to write it I fell in love and then 20 chapters might be turned into 50+ I just did the math on what I wanted and holy cow I do have a lot to write. Well I hope you'll enjoy this journey with me

And be patient when I go into another hiatus ^^

Most likely will be a side story when I'm finished with this

With lots of love 💛

Brofish 👊🐟

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