Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

"It's the most wonderful time of the yeaaaaaar," the song on the radio sang.

Smii7y was laying on his bed listening to the radio. He wanted to listen to something better but it was stuck on a Christmas station and he was too lazy to actually change it. Another Christmas Smii7y knew he was going to spend alone. It really did suck when all of his friends actually have family to spend it with. They couldn't just once spend it with him. He knew they would be back soon but it was still lonely

Another song change and it was playing Feliz Navidad. Smii7y pulled out his phone and opened some random puzzle game he had on his phone. He was really bored and at this point he was tempting to just bother Fitz like he's done in the past before. Smii7y knew that Fitz would always accept him for who he is. They were long time friends and he knew they would get past this hump. John was just someone who was trying to get in between them and Smii7y had finally thrown him out.

The feeling of regret soon crept up on him again and he shook his head. Smii7y doesn't regret that he took his revenge on John. He had hurt him first, so what if John actually had feelings for him. They were probably fake just like Smii7y's were. It was all in his head and he was just insane. Smii7y ignored the tear that had managed to escape and continued to play with his phone.

'I'm just weak right now I have to be stronger,' Smii7y thought.

He was soon broken out of his own thoughts when he heard a slam. Smii7y got up and grabbed his pistol. He made his way to the living room and only relaxed when he saw it was just his friends. But they had pretty angry looks on their faces so maybe it was best if he stayed on guard. Smii7y put the pistol on the counter before walking towards them.

"Whoa my wish came true it's a Christmas miracle," Smii7y said giving them a charming smile.

"Cut the shit Smii7y," Tyler said making Smii7y frown.

"I was only trying to lighten the mood it's rare that someone or all of you are here for the holidays," Smii7y said as he held his hands up.

"And we most likely won't ever be," Jay grumbled.

'Okay scratch that Jay is never angry,' Smii7y thought as he stood straight.

"Why are you all so angry," Smii7y asked.

"You know why," Craig said softly refusing to even look at Smii7y.

"Is it because I took your shares? Come on I do most of the work around here," Smii7y said might knowing what the answer truly is.

"No what the fuck," Scotty said scrunching his nose.

"No you fucktard were angry because you did something stupid and fucked with John," Tyler said snarling a bit.

"Oooh he told you... I didn't expect him to be a kiss and tell kind of guy," Smii7y said.

"He wouldn't have if his fiancé hadn't said anything to us. Apparently he's been locked up in his room all day and she was hoping we could drag him out," Craig said and Smii7y clenched his fist.

Oh how he hated to be reminded that John was using him.

"Well it's what he deserves," Smii7y said casually.

"What he deserves... what the fuck are you on about," Tyler said.

"I don't have to explain myself and you clearly don't even want to listen to what I have to say," Smii7y said glaring.

"Explain yourself I can't even," Tyler said running a hand through his hair.

"What you did to John was unforgivable," Scotty said.

"I do this all the time and just because it's someone you know I'm suddenly the bad guy," Smii7y said.

"Duh you've always been a bad guy Smii7y you steal from people," Tyler exclaimed.

"Guess what wise guy you do to," Smii7y said.

"Yeah but you've been doing it longer," Tyler grumbled.

"You didn't have to agree to join me but you did," Smii7y said.

"Like we had a choice," Scotty scoffed.

"Everyone has a choice like you could have turned me in," Smii7y said.

"We can still now," Tyler said.

"Then I'll just have to admit that you guys  were also stealing oh how bad would it look if the children of the most famous people caught for stealing," Smii7y said.

"You're twisted dude," Matt said.

"Like you have any say in this Blarg," Smii7y snarled.

Everyone had went quiet, the tension so thick that you can cut it with a knife. Smii7y glaring at the people who he used to call him friends. Craig looked lost, Tyler look enraged, Scotty and Matt with him, while Jay had a calm look on his face.

"I'm disappointed in you Smii7y" Jay said.

"Oh why is that," Smii7y said.

"I thought you changed it looked like you were changing... John was bringing out the best in you that I haven't seen in a long time. Just what changed," Jay said.

"I don't ever plan on changing... I am happy the way I am and I don't need someone to fix that," Smii7y said.

"So you tricked John into liking you... you make me sick," Tyler said.

"Trick.... trick him hahaha," Smii7y said laughing at the end.

"What's so funny," Craig asked.

"That I tricked him... I've tricked a lot of people in the past few years. I tricked all of my one night stands. I tricked you guys at times. I tricked Fitz maybe once or twice in our relationship. I even tricked Eli to letting me try alcohol... but I never tricked John... I maybe had to at the beginning but in the end he tricked me," Smii7y said.

He could feel tears come to his eyes but he blinked them away. He doesn't need to let them see his weakness.

"I have no idea what you're even talking about John has no evil in his body," Scotty said.

"I think it's best if you leave," Smii7y said his eyes not meeting theirs.

"You know once we do we ain't coming back," Tyler said.

"Good riddance," Smii7y said.

"What happened to you Smii7y," Craig said softly eyes showing pity.

"Nothing I've always been this way now get out," Smii7y said as he grabbed his gun aiming at them.

One by one they shuffled out of the base and Jay was the last one to the door.

"I really believed in you Smii7y," Jay said not even flinching when a bullet hole appeared right next to him.

"Go and maybe this time I won't miss," Smii7y said lowly his own eyes betraying his nervousness.

Smii7y watched Jay leave and he dropped the gun to the ground. He turned around and went to his room. The radio was still on playing Silent Night. Smii7y glared at the radio. He grabbed it and tossed to the wall; breaking it on impact. Smii7y shakily dropped to his knees and let out a shaky breath.

'What in the hell just happened,' Smii7y thought as tears made his way down his cheeks. This would have to be one of the worst nights for him.

Oh how everything seems to be falling apart for you Smithers. Just because I'm on vacation doesn't mean I can't upload. Thank you for all the support o truly appreciate it

With lots of love 💛

Brofish 👊🐟

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