Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Smii7y looked at the stuff he had taken when he was at Marcel's. There was a couple of jewels and some random things he managed to take. He wasn't really trying to go for anything in mind, he was just trying to have fun with Eli. And boy did they have fun. After the raid they went back to Puffer's and took out some cold ones. Even though Smii7y is underage he's had his share fair of alcohol. From hanging out with Eli, to his own parents giving him some.

Of course Eli has to drive him back to base because of how wasted he got but it was so worth it. The headache he got in the morning wasn't but he'd still do it anyways. Smii7y picked up a diamond and shined it in the light. Diamonds will always be Smii7y's favorite thing to steal. There was just something amazing to diamonds that were worth taking. Of course he needs to go and talk to his dealer to get a fair price.

Funny enough his dealer's name was Matt but he went by the name iNoToRiOuS. He owned a black market pawn shop so he knew the when and where a black market was going to pop up. Smii7y has only went to a market once with Eli to see what was going on. He didn't like the shady deals people made so he made sure that iNoToRiOuS was his black market dealer. Whatever profit he made he gave to Smii7y and he's been living off from it.

"Hey Smii7y," Tyler said when he poked his head in.

"What's up," Smii7y said placing his goods in the bag.

He decided he would see iNoToRiOuS later on tonight.

"There's gonna be a new guy joining us later," Tyler said.

"New guy," Smii7y asked then said, "I didn't know we were hiring."

"Yeah neither did I but Craig thought he would be perfect to join," Tyler said as he shrugged.

"He never talked to me about it," Smii7y mumbled.

"Well he seems like an alright dude, we hanged out with him yesterday," Tyler said as he put his hands in his pocket.

"I didn't see anyone new at your place," Smii7y said.

"You probably couldn't see him because of the spot you were in you creep," Tyler said.

"Okay okay my sneaking skills could use a bit of work," Smii7y said smiling at him.

"You're lucky John didn't see you what would have happened if he did," Tyler said.

"But he didn't so why should it matter now," Smii7y said.

"I'm getting tired of your laid back bullshit my threat is still on," Tyler said as he left the room.

Smii7y eyes widen and wondered where that hostility had come from. Of course he see John for a moment, it's what he's always been doing for the past couple of days. Smii7y just shook his head and went to look at himself in the mirror. Red and blue eyes stared back at him reminding him that he didn't take off his contacts last night. His silver hair slightly faded and he knew he needed to get that touched up.

He put a hand through his hair and he sighed. Smii7y didn't know what to do with his friends at this point. One day they could be supportive and the next they can turn on him. It just makes him wonder what is so special about John. Yes he understood that what John is suppose to be is important but why are his friends so adamant on reminding him that he shouldn't even be trying anything with John.

'There's no point in trying to figure them out,' Smii7y thought as he left his room.

He could heard his friends talking in the background along with someone he barely recognized...

'Is the new guy already here,' Smii7y thought as he entered the living area.

Smii7y stopped dead in his tracks as he stared eye wide. There was the new guy but he was anyone but knew. His brown hair was smooth as silk as his green eyes were full of happiness. Smii7y wanted to bolt back to his room so he wouldn't have to deal with the newcomer. But that wouldn't matter at this point.

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