We hung out with all of Black Veil Brides and watched there concert and now its time to go back to the car. I'm so happy I agreed to come! I got to meet Black veil brides and talk to everyone.

Their show was amazing and wow, tonight was so amazing. Oli opens the door for me and I get in the car. He shuts it softly and gets in his seat.

"I have a question," he says not making a move to drive.

"I have an answer," I say and smile at him. He's so hot.. and amazing, nothing isn't amazing about him.

"Will you be my boyfriend Kellin Quinn?" He asks and a squeal in delight.

"Yes!" I say and kiss him. The kiss gets heated until we both need to breathe. I sit in my seat properly and I cant stop smiling. I got to meet Andy, I got a boyfriend,  I'm in a car. Everything is getting better.

Oliver starts the car and I'm to busy running my mouth about the concert and how amazing he is I forget that I should be scared.

"-But I am like hhhhhh! Andy actually knows I exist and-" I continue to talk and Oliver about everything yet nothing. During the concert I may have drank a monster energy drink. I never drink energy drinks so my hands are shaking and I feel overwhelmed. But I did go to a concert so that might be the problem too.

I stop talking and look out the window, its getting dark. It's not even that late but the sun doesn't seem to care. Am I extremely energetic or tired?

I close my eyes for a second and think about the day. A hot breath is on my neck. My arms don't want to corporate. I try to open my eyes but its seems so difficult.

I hear a click and I'm pretty sure my seatbelt is being removed. I force my eyes open for a second to see Oliver, my boyfriend. He picks me up and I grab on to him and rest my head on his shoulder. I'm so sleepy..

Are we home? I thought we just left the concert..

I close my eyes again and let oli do what ever. I trust him. When I get the falling sensation I wake up scared. My bed catches me. I look at a smirking Oliver. "Bed?" I mumble trying to understand what is happening

I close my eyes in order to think but to my dismay I actually do the opposite and fall asleep.


I'm alone in my room when I wake up. Aw, I'd love to wake up in his arms. But he does have his own life. He plays videos games, write, work, sleep, walk, get high and do other things. He texts me daily and I don't think I annoy him, yet. But it's not like he's just going to stop his life and do nothing except talk to me.

That doesn't make me upset, I'm not that clingy anyways. He's not distant, dont get me wrong. He texts back fast and we have good conversations about nothing important.

I skip down the stairs and look out the window making sure he's not here. Nope, his car is gone. I sit on the table and look at nothing. Oli makes me happy. I feel like he genuinely cares about me.

He's a bad boy yes but I don't think he'll cheat on me or hurt me. What do people look for in a guy?

Attractive, check

Smart, check (street smart for sure I dont know how he did in school. His dad is a teacher so I bet he is book smart)

Caring, check

Loyal, I'm pretty sure, check

Funny, check

Protective, hell yes, check

I think that's all the important things and he qualifies. I smile, he's my boyfriend! I grab a banana and slowly eat it. My phone dings and I look to see oli just texted me but I have more than one message.

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