The week goes by and now its Friday night. My dads drunk and my sister is at her friends house like usual. 

I look at myself in the mirror, black skinny jeans, converse, long sleeved shirt, and Oliver's oversized black hoodie. I slide up my window and vic's not in his room. I don't know why I was making sure..

I dont care he's rude.

As I'm climbing down my foot slips causing my to hug the tree for safety.  The trashcan falls to its side and I'm left to inch down the tree.

When I'm done making a fool out of myself my thighs burn. All the extra struggle has bothered the fresh cuts.. I set up the trashcan and quickly start walking. My thighs feel warm? Shit I'm bleeding.

It cant be too much, I tried not to cut deep tonight. My mind wanders around though sad and happy thoughts until I reach the park.

I came here to get some fresh air, if nobody's there to sing, to have somewhere to walk to, and last but not least to see if Oliver is there. I haven't looked him up on social media yet but after tonight I will no matter if he's here or not.

Slipping through the bars I watch for spiders. I hate spiders. Once I'm in view of the swings I see nobody there. Kinda disappoint but it's fine. Being alone shouldn't bother me. I'm definitely going to have to take a shower when I get home I can feel the blood drying all over my thighs.

I sit on the swing and pout a little. I came here because I hate being so alone and Oli makes me feel wanted.

"And I'd give up forever to touch you, because I know you feel me some how. You're the closest-" I snap my head up when I hear the swing next to me jingle.  Oli is sitting down on it smiling at me.

He caught me singing!

I have such an ugly voice and i was ruining his favorite song! Oh no, this is embarrassing

"You sing it better than the original," he says and I just accept the complaint. I don't believe it but it's a nice thing for him to suggest.

I see he's not wearing a jacket so I take mine- well his- jacket off and get up and bring it to him. He looks up at me and smiles.  He's always smiling whenever I say something or do something, I love it.

He takes it and puts it on and I blush when he puts his hand in the pocket almost immediately. I put a note in it for him.

Fiddling with it in his pocket he gives me a curious look. "Read it when you go home," I say and he grabs my hand making me get closer to him.

"You're very pretty kells," he says with a serious tone. I look down at the taller boy who's sitting an a swing. "I'm not-" I start to say because it's the truth. Im ugly, nobody likes me.

Maybe when I put on makeup then I might kinda good but right now I dont. I just look like some emo boy. But before I can finish my whole sentence he stands up and covers my mouth abruptly. My first instinct was to be scared but I see that's all he was doing.

"Your were about to say, 'I'm not pretty I'm beautiful' right?" He says kinda forcefully but not in a scary way. Immature maybe but without agreeing I lick his hand.

This time he's the one to blush. I'm not sure way but his face turns pink and he pulls his hand away and put them on my hips. Oh, he's so close to me.

"I can get you back staged passes to falling in Reverse," he says I gasp but am cut off by him pressing his lips to mine. My mouth is parted and he full on kisses me. Blushing I kiss him back forgetting everything. 

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