
My family all stays quiet in the car.

Mom and dad had a fight but all I heard was yelling. I don't understand why mommy doesn't want daddy to drink the gross drink. She says she doesn't want to be a bostwick.. if shes not going to be a bostwick I'll do the same. I love her.

Up in the front seat she looks scared and she's watching the road carefully and then to the dashboard numbers. It's the numbers that tell how fast we are going but I cant read him from back here.

My older brother and sister are fighting over a phone but silently.

My little sister is in her car seat, I think shes to old to be in one but she says she likes it.  I look out the window as tress zoom past us.

I dont know what was happening but lights were shining into our car from beside us.. like a car was driving at us and the headlights were facing us.

Everything is in slow motion as I see my dad calmly driving my mom screaming looking at the truck beside us on her side and my older siblings not buckled up now fighting over the phone ignoring our mom's scream.

Or maybe not knowing yet that it's a fearful scream.. my little sister is starting at our mom.

The truck smashes into the right side of our car and it's like I'm in a different world. My head jerks to the side and I feel impact and gravity take over. Terror rises in me as I see my family's body's and my own being thrashed around.

In the moment it looks like everyone's dead and I think I am too. Something smashes into the front of the car making us stop flying through the air spinning. As this happens I jerk forward but my seatbelts saves me..

Something flings forward and smashes through are windshield and another thing smakes into the back of the passenger's seat making a snap sound.

Lot of screaming and crushing and banging was heard as we tumbled around but not anymore.

I close my eyes.

What just happened?

I look over to Katie.  She looks asleep... my brother- isnt there? My older sister.. she has blood coming out of her mouth and her eyes are open but not blinking.

My mom has glass sticking out of her neck, she looks in pain. She holds the glass with shakey hands. "I," blood gushs out of her neck. Shes looking at me, "I- love you sweetie," she says and turns to my dad.

He looks scared.. I've never seen my dad scared. "Take ca- care of them," she struggles to say and my dad keeps apologizing.

Blood is on the ceiling..

Blood is everywhere....

My door in opened and I look at a older teenager, I'm 12 so I'm almost a teenager. The guy unbuckles me and pickd me up. He opens my dads door and I see my brother.. he's what smashed the windshield.

His twisted body has been thrown into a Bush but I get a glimpse of his face. "Mom?" I say when I see my dad taking her out of the car.

They guy is taking me away from my family. "Its okay," he says.

He puts me in a red car, and gets in the front seat. He grabs his phone and calls someone.

"There has been a car accident.." I hear a lady ask something and he tells her where we are. "The drive, his son, and I'm not sure.. there's a wife and three other kids.. no.. the dad and the other driver is doing that now.. no I was just a passing car.. yeah I have him.. okay," he says and I start crying.

Did that just happen?

What was that?

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