I look around, my mom is in the passenger seat mad at my dad. My eyes widen, we are about to get in the crash. "Buckle up," I say to my brother and sister quickly. They dont even look at me.

"Bucke up!" I yell but now its already too late. The lights are already shining into the car. "Mom!" I yell scared. I know what's about to happen..

The sound of metal slamming into metal at high speeds rings through my ears. My brother goes through the window..

My sister gets killed by her snapping her neck against my mom's chair.

My mom getting glass stuck into her juggler vein...

My dad perfectly untouched...

"Fuck you!" I scream but nothing comes out. It's his fault! He doesn't even care now!

"Fuck! Mom! Mommy.." I yell as we are tumbling and our car is getting crushed and smashed my trees and stuff.

I scream when someone starts shaking me. I'm in a car no person is touching me? "Stop," I yell out crying and kicking.

"Help!" I yell scared. My family is dying after all.

"Its okay shhh, I'm here."

That's not..

I open my eyes, I'm in my room? I look at Oliver. He looks scared? I look around I'm in my bed. He's on top of me with my hands pinned down.  He let's go and I feel my cheek because its wet.


"Your awake see? I'm here, your not alone.." I sit up and hug him. He hugs me back rubbing my back comfortably.

"I.. I keep relieving it, it want to forget. I don't like seeing their faces.. there screams.. I haven't forgotten anything about that day.. " I'm crying as I say this.

I can't ever forget. I'll have flashes of my lifeless family's faces, dreams, versions... at least 3 times a week. I always think about how I could have saved them..

"I'm sorry.. how about I sing you to sleep?" He says laying me back down.

"Pretty little lady with swollen eyes.."

I close my eyes and drift back to sleep halfway through the song.


I'm woken up by a sleeping Oliver pulling me closer to him. He roll over too causing him to be pretty much on top of me.

I'm on my back and he's on his stomach with one one his legs in between mine and his face in the pillow beside me. He move a little and his thigh is.. bothering me. 

I'm a teenaged boy. With a very sexy guy on top of me. My thoughts are very impure right now...

Why kind of god is letting this happen? Is anyone watching me? Do they know I want him to move his leg more? Do they know I'm being turned on?

Well fuck you creator, I'm trying to have a cute moment and your making me think of how he should wake up, pin me to this bed, and kiss me.

Um that's kinda demanding, but if he insists.. and no he cant hear me.

Not even a second after I though that he does wake up, he looks at me and moves his legs a little. He smirks when he sees me look away embarrassed. He gets up, and pins me down.

He leans down and kisses me with passion. What ever coincidence this is it kinda creeps me out. He pulls away and stretches, he then plops back down next to me and covers up and cuddles up to me.

It Broke The Fourth WallWhere stories live. Discover now