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I have my curtains open as a way for light. It's been three days since my light went out and my dad refuses to get me a new light.

I think its gus way for trying to make me go to sleep early and to keep me out of my room but I refuse to do so. Here I am in my room putting pink and white stringed lights on my walls.

I'm blasting my music through my turn table, well its pair through bluetooth to my phone so I can listen to my favorite songs and not have to switch CD's. I sing along to Medicine by Bring Me The Horizon. Rumors has it that the singer goes to my school but he's never showed his face or name to media so I think that's fake.

He's so amazing, I wish he did concerts..

As I sing along I also dance not caring how I look. When that songs over next is Falling in Reverse and I continue do smile and dance as I sing.

"Well I'm not a vampire, but I feel like one. Sometimes I sleep all day because I hate the sun!" I sing along and for whatever reason I glance out of my window to see vic... he's watching me with an amused smirk.

What the fuck!

Immediately I step back, and guess what. I was standing on my bed so with that step I feel off my bed.

Pain shots though my arm that I tried to catch myself with. And it fucking hurts. My wrists feels on fire but I get up and glare at the boy who caused me to fall. He's laughing his ass off. Tears brim to my eyes because it hurts. I stomp away out of view and down stairs.

My dad sits on his chair drinking beer, when he sees me cradling my wrist he raises his eyebrow. "I feel off my bed," I pout and he gets up and walks to me.

"Can you bend it?" He says annoyed. I try to but almost cry out in pain. "N-no," and with that he's taking me to the hospital.


"Pink," I say to the doctor. He grabs the pink sling and helps me put my arm in it. My wrist has a white brace on it. Apparently I broke my wrist and bruised muscle tissue on my elbow so I have to wear this stupid thing.

The pink matches my pink shirt and my pink belt that holds up my black skinny jeans. People keep looking at me weird when I walk past them. I don't wear girly clothes in public so I'm not use to the judgmental looks.

My dad drives me home and once we are home I sit on the couch. I've never broken a bone before... it's all Vic's fault.  I hate that jerk. He was watching me make a fool out of myself. I blush, god he saw that. Tears fall from my eyes, I really broke my wrist.. it hurts and I refuse to take pain medicine right now. My doctor did prescribe me some but I dont deserve it..

My door bell rings and my dad's in his room watching a movie or something.  Ugh, cant I cry in peace? I wipe my face and go to the door. When I go to reach to open the door I roll my eyes. I broke my right wrist, I'm right handed.

With my left hand I open the door and I'm surprised to see vic. He did this! I glare at him and try to shut the door in his face but he grabs the door and if I tried to shut it I'd hurt his fingers so I stop.

"Hey, I'm sorry. Uh- I guess that was my fault so I came to apologize," he says and I see he looks like he actually is upset I got hurt. I open the door so he can talk to my face. "I told my mom because I felt bad and she told me I could invite you over for dinner as an apology gift?" He bites his lip after he says this.

"Um, oh.. sorry for trying to shut the door in your face," his pretty pretty face. God he looks so hot up close. And dame he has a fucking sexy voice.  He smiles; his smile is the definition of perfect.

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