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Just a reminder but oli has no chest or neck tattoos.. he just has arm tattoos and definitely not any face tattoos.. oh and kellins walls are like these but a pastel pink

Kellin's pov

Once we are in front of my house Oliver grabs my hips and pulls me to him. I blush at the closeness.

He pushes my hair behind my ear and leans in to kiss me. I lean in a little and I swear I feel sparks. I slip my hand up the back of his shirt. His tongue slides in my own mouth and I allow it.

His hand surprises me when its placed firmly on my ass. I pull away a little to breathe.

"Um.. wanna warm up before you leave?" I ask and he smiles. "Jump," he demands and I obey and wrap my legs around him and he holds me like it's nothing.


Is it weird that I think his strength is hot?

"Onwards!" I point to the door. He goes up to the door and kisses me. "Okay now, I gotta put you down so your dad wont kill me." He says but I cling on to him.

"He's not here," I say before kissing his neck. He opens my door and walks in. I have a bad habit with not locking thing.  He needs my mark on him.

I suck on a part of his neck and he scoots me up a little. I kiss his jaw and pull away a little. "Let me down?" I ask wiggling so he knows to put me down.

He let's me slide out of grip and grabs my hand before I step away. I giggle when I look at his neck, I left a few hickeys. "Fuck your so hot," he mumbles before kissing me. I blush and lead him up the stairs.

I open my door and let him in. My room is still clean.. except for my lamp broken on the ground. Oops, I may or may have not pushes it off my nightstand while I was upset.

I pick it up and put it back and place the pink cover over it so it's not broken anymore.  "Cool room," he says looking at the albums on my wall. I take off my shoes, scarf, hat, and as I unzip my jacket I look up to see him going to my window.

He opens the curtains and looks around. "I think it's cute when you wave me bye from here," he says and then faces me. I put my jacket on my closets door knob. Blushing when he starts taking off his jacket and setting it down.

I look at my wrist brace. This thing is so stupid.  Theres some movement hear from downstairs so I open my door and yell out, "if your a burglar please go away and if that's you katie go to bed because it's pretty late."

"Okay Goodnight," my sister says and I tell her Goodnight. She doesn't need to know that Oli's here. 

Turning on my music softly so incase my sister walks by. but that's kinda silly because she wont care and would probably thinking on the phone.

It's not that loud because I want to be able to talk to him and not be distracted. "Oh I'm sorry for kinda ignoring you lately.. I just.. I get upset in October," I actually am upset always but it's hard to hide on the month that it happened.

"Its okay I understand now, I was thinking you just didn't like me but I'm glad that's not the case- well not saying im glad your upset. That upsets me but-" he rambles losing his confidence for the first time in front of me.

"Hey, I know what you mean silly," I say and he stops rambling. "I want to ask something but I dont want to seem like a creep.." he says acting a bit shy. Oh god what does he what to know?

"You can ask me anything but I might not answer if it's too personal," I say and bite my lip.

"Um well," he says and walks up to me and grabs my face with one hand and the other plays with a piece of hair that fell in my face.  "Can I wash your hair for you?" He says with his fucking sexy British accent in my ear.

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