Oli has longish fluffy brown hair in this, less tattoos, and is way younger so I guess more attractive?  Not that he's not attractive now but yeee I'll shut up before I get hate.

Its been a week since I had dinner with the Fuentes family and nothing happened in between us.

But that could be my bad because I shut my curtains after dinner and got a new light. He's kinda awkward so I don't want to approach him because I'm awkward too so it would just be uncomfortable.

Its 9:45pm and it dark outside but I hear my dad and his girlfriend screaming at each other. That bitch isn't always here but when she is all hell breaks loose.  I hear things banging around and screaming. 

This has been happening all day and after a few hours I'll hear them apologizing but the next hour it starts again.  Tears are falling from my face into my hands.

I hate it here, I hate myself, I hate a lot.. I open my window and close it with me outside of it. I wipe my hands on my jeans and use the tree next to my house to get down onto the trashcan. Jumping off the trashcan I'm now in my side yard.

Fuck this shit

I shove my hand in my pants pocket.  I leave my right hand out because it still has a wrist brace on it. My sling is off and my arm doesn't hurt too much, just my wrist but I did take my pain killers so I'm not to concern about it.

I'm wearing short leaves and no jacket and I'm regretting it as I walk past my house in the direction of the park. Wow let me guess vic's there? That's how fanfic's are.

One dramatically runs away from home because of family issues and the other fixes the problems.  "Fucking family," I mumble to myself as more tears flow. I'm not a ugly crier. I dont sob, its just stupid tears.

I dont even bother wiping them. I try to kick a rock but instantly regret it as I slip and almost fall but catch myself on a stop sign. Fucking clumsy.

I cross the empty street and walk into the park. Its enclose in a black metal fence that has missing bars that I can slip through.  Theres also a gate but this is closer.

My eyes are full of tears as I go to the swings. With my head down I walk closer to them but when I look up I see someone sitting at the other swing now looking at me.

I quickly wipe my eyes and go to turn around not wanting to be raped or hurt by this guy who's lurking in a dark park. Well so am I but oh well. "I dont bite, come swing with me," a British accent says and I look at him. He's young..

I know young dont mean safe but he sounds nice. Kinda scary looking, well to a kid. He has tattoos and dark clothes. I slowly walk to the swings and sit down not looking at him. I'm trying not to cry in front of this stranger but its easier said than done.

I wipe my face looking in the opposite direction than the guy. I hear him get up so I look at him. He gets in front of me and stops my gentle swing easily with one hand.

He's tall, and attractive..

He bends over and places his hand on my cheek, I'm just staring at him not knowing what he's doing.  I should be freaking out.  I dont know this dude.

He wipes my tears away and smiles lightly and grabs my left hand and gently pulls me up so I'm standing. He brushes my hair out of my face. "You're too pretty to cry," he says and I blush.

"Oh," I mumble feeling weird in my chest. Butterfly beat against my ribs and I feel dumbfounded. What do I say? What even happening?  I feel slightly warmer just being around him but I'm still cold.

"Come with me," this British guy says and holds my hand. I will follow you mister hot stuff. I let him take me to the benches and we sit down close to each other. His thigh brushes against mine because of how close we are and I find myself blushing.

"Look up," he says pointing at the sky. I look up to see lots of pretty stars, the full moon and wisps of clouds. Its breath taking. I shiver as wind blows and I look at the stranger to see he's still watching the sky.

Wow he's so pretty I wish I had a picture of this. Him looking up at the pretty sky. "Dont stare love, the pretty stars are out and if you look at me you're missing the best part," he says not looking at me. I blush and look up.

He's so cool, and I really like how he appreciates the natural beauty of the sky. I haven't really said anything to him but it's not even awkward. He's just so content with me not talking its.. different.

I dont feel pressured into asking questions or answering any. This is peaceful.  Him shifting around makes me look at him and he's taking off his jacket.  It's cold why is he doing that? I get the answer when he starts putting it around my shoulders and help me put my arms through the sleeves. 

I smile and he smiles back, gorgeous smile by the way. "How about I walk you home, it's a dangerous world out here I don't want anything to happen to you," he says and the butterfly's are back.

"You dont have to I'd be safe," I say shyly. "I'm sure you would but I feel like walking and your company is nice," he says and I check my phone for the time, 12pm. Oops? Have we been swinging and watching starts for more than a hour?

We stand up and I look at his hand and he reaches out and holds my hand. I smile at him and we walk over to the broken fence and he helps me through.  Not that I needed help but it was a nice gesture.

"Thank you, you really did cheer me up," I say as we cross the street. "No problem, I'm glad I got to meet you," he says and I spot the rock that made me trip earlier.  Stupid fucking rock. "That's pretty," he says and stops and picks up the white rock that tried to kill my earlier.

No that rock is ugly and I hate it.
"I guess," I mumble. He exams it and puts the golf ball sized death rock into his pocket.

"That bookstore is really cool if you like reading and coffee," he says pointing at a bookstore.

"Oh? I'd have to check it out." I say watching it go by as we walk. A car speeds by and he watches it carefully. 

"Look at that tree, doesn't it look spooky?" I say pointing at a tree far away. He squeezes my hand comfortably and looks at me after seeing the tree.

"I'll protect you from it,"he says and brings my hand up with his and kisses it gently before putting it back in between us. My face heats up and I smile, why do I keep blushing??

He's just so nice and charming.

"My hero," I say and he smiles. We walk another 15 minutes sharing only a few words about things around us and then I slow down a bit. It will only take 5 minutes before I'm home.

He slows down as well but doesn't question it. "Now that rock is pretty," I say grabbing it. Its black with dark red wavy stripes and its smooth for a outside rock. "Mine is better," he says and I shake my head.

He laughs and I smile. I smile so much with him- him? I don't know his name, or anything about him. But he doesn't know my name, or anything about me. When we get in front of my house I stop and frown. 

I gotta leave this amazing person. "I guess this comes to a end, stranger." I say and he gently squeezes my hand.  "My names Oli, and who knows." He says and hugs me.

I accept the hug and wrap my arms around Oli. Oli? Oliver?  That's a cool name. "Hi- well, Bye Oli, I'm Kellin." I giggle and he kisses my forehead making me smile harder. I shyly wave as I go to my door. I cant climb up to my window because of my wrist so I quietly open my front door and slip in as Oli waves bye.

I quietly run up the stairs and look out my window to see Oli walking away but he turns around and waves at me with a big grin on his face. I wave and giggle at him.

He's walking away the opposite way we came, so he walks past my house to get to the park? I wonder how often he's at the park. I lay in my bed happy, is he real? How can someone be that cool?

I play with my oversized hoodie sleeves- his hoodie!? Its too late to give it back he's already gone. Oops. I smell it and it smells amazing. It smells like his hugs- well I guess to be more accurate it smells like him.

I fall asleep happy for once.

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