The truth

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"Are you going to let me take you out again?" Opie asks as he finishes his meal.

"Who says I would let you take me out again?"

"I know that you will because we have an attraction for each other."

"Oh really?" I ask leaning back in my seat.

"Yeah." He responds nonchalantly before his phone stats to ring. "Hello...yeah I've got her right here...alright I'll bring her to the club to met you...alright bye."

"Who was that?" I ask.

"Gemma. She has your car and wants me to bring you to the club house."

"Ok. Well, I guess we should go to the clubhouse." I say standing up. He smiles and nods. He digs in his pocket and throws some money on the table as we walk to the door. As I walk through the door that he held open he smacked my but. I jump and quickly look around to see if anyone saw before I feel the blush creep onto my face again. I hear him chuckle as I walk to his bike. "You need to lighten up." He states as I pick up my helmet off the seat and strap it on. I watch as he puts his sunglasses back on then straps on his helmet.

"You have to give me time to lighten up." I say grumpy.

"At least I got you to go on a date with me." He say grinning as he gets on to the motorcycle.

"The trick is to get me on another one." I say as I sit on the back of the bike.


As we pull into the parking lot of tm I see a small red Camry parked out front of the garage. Opie parks his bike in the line of about ten others and we get off. "Gemma says to met her in her office."

"Can you tell me where her office is?" I ask laying the helmet on the bikes seat.

"Better, I'll show you." He says leading me to a small office connected to the garage. He knocks on the open door as we step in.

"Hey." Gemma says looking up at us grim her paperwork. She has on dark framed glasses that she pushes back into her black highlighted hair.

"I was droping her off." Opie says before walking through the door that connected the office to the garage.

"Thanks for breakfast." I quietly say after he is already in the noisy garage.

"What was that darling?" Gemma asks as she shuffles some papers.

"Nothing, ma'am." I say walking over to the couch and sitting down.

"Did you just call me ma'am?" She asks surprised.

"Yes." I say a little scared.

"That's a change of pace." She say with laughter.

"Um Opie says you got me a car?"

"Oh yeah. Your sister called this morning asking to get you a car while your in town. So I did."

"Can I see it? I would really like to go see my parents while I'm still in town."

"Sure, let me find the keys and I'll take you out to the car." She says shuffling through paper on her desk. "Here they are." She says holding then up as she stands. "Its out here." I follow her out the door to the red Camry.

"Thank you Gemma. How much do I owe you?" I ask as she hands me the keys.

"You owe me nothing, sweetheart."

"Are you sure?"

"You are family and family doesn't owe anything."

"Thank you Gemma. I really appreciate this."

"No problem. Have fun!" She says as she walks back into the office. I open the driver door and get into the car. I close the door as I put the key into the ignition and start the car. I roll down the window and put my shades on as I drive across the lot to the entrance. I pull out of tm and turn the music up. The radio happened to be playing my favorite aero smith song Cryin'. I sang along as I drove to my parents house that is the same as when I grew up. As I pull up outside the house I see that my mother is the only one home because my fathers bike was not in the driveway. I park the car on the street close to the sidewalk and get out. As my feet step onto the concrete I can tell something isn't the same. I walk up to the door and knock. I stand there for a few minutes then realize that noone is home.

"Guess she went out with some friends." I say as I walk back to my car and get in. I pull out my phone to check the time, it was around 2. I figured that I would drive back to the hotel and get ready for dinner tonight.


I pull up outside of Clair and Juice's home. As I step out of the car I grab my small black purse. I decided to wear a midnight blue knee length dress that had a swoop neckline, that I had bought in town, and a pair of black pumps. I wore my hair straight with it flowing down my back and my makeup was very light. I walk up to the door and knock but nine answers so I open the door and walk in. "Hey sis." I says as she steps into the kitchen.

"Hey girl. Did Gemma get you a car?". Clair ask pulling three plates out of the cabinet. She was wearing a dark blue long sleeved shirt with black slackes and black heels. Juice was standing by the stove in jeans, a white shirt, and his boots.

"Yeah, she did. She got me a little red car." I explain as I sat down at their table.

"That's nice." Clair say as I started to fix plates. "How was the hotel room?"

"It's good. Opie drove me last night and made sure that I got settled in." I says slipping a piece of hair behind her ear.

"That was nice of him." She say as she bring two plates to the table. Then I bring the other. As she sit down she ask Juice to get the wine and the glasses. He grabs them plus a beer for himself then sits next to Clair where his vest was draped over a chair.


"Thanks for dinner." I say as we ask sit in their living room. I sat in a arm chair and Clair and Juice sat on the couch.

"Anytime." Clair says.

" did you two met?" I ask taking a sip of wine.

"We actually met at the garage one day." Clair says as she snuggles up to juice.

"Yeah, once I saw her I had to have her as mine." Juice said kissing the top of her head.

"How did dad react when you told him you were dating a son? That was like rule number one." I ask and see both of their faces react as if they didn't want to tell me what had happen. "It can't be that bad can it?"

"Jess, we kept it a secret from the whole club until Gemma figured it out and then we still try to keep it on the down low. When he found out he went off calling me a whore and several other names. He had also found out that I was a stripper downtown and that didn't help my case at all." She say as Juice pulls her closer to him as if to protect her.

"I keep her safe and away from him as long as I could until I had to go on a trip with the club. Then she had to stay with the girls." Juice says.

"Yeah, they were do back the next day and me and the girls where sitting outside the club. Gemma, me, Chibs, Tara, and her and Jax's kids were just enjoying the quiet day until Tara had to leave to go to work. After she left Gemma took the baby inside and Chibs was playing with the older son on the playground. Our father comes waking across the parking lot so I start walking toward him. He yells at me and then he hits me and leaves me in the parking lot with a black eye."


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~ new cover credit to me

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