The big reveal

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5 months later:

"Babe, are you ready for the party?" I ask as i roll over onto my side with my large stumach in between us.

"I'm so excited to see everyone be excited for the reveal." Ope says as he places a hand on my stumach. "I can't wait to tell them what you are little one." He says as he leans down and kisses my stumach.

"Your so sweet." I say smiling down at him.

"Not as sweet as you and our little sugar cube." He says as he caresses my face softly as he gently pull me into a kiss.

"Mmm." He hums as we pull a part smiling.

"What time is your mom dropping the kids off?" I ask as i sit up on the bed.

"Around noon."

"I better get up and get dressed than." I say looking at the clock over our dresser that read 11:00 am.

"But I'd rather lay in bed with you all day." Opie says as he takes my hand into his much larger hand as i try to slide off the bed.

"I don't think your mother would like to find us all cuddled up in bed when she gets here." I say as i squeeze his hand and leave the bed. "Plus we still have to decorate for the party. Greens and yellows so no one knows the sex of the baby until the ballons are released."

"Alrighy, I'll get dressed and get all the decorations out of the garage." Opie says getting out of bed in a pair of sweatpants.

"Thank you." I say blowing him a kiss as i pull off my shirt.

"God you're gorgeous!" Opie growls at me as he walks out of our bedroom. I chuckle as he closes the door. I put on a grey shirt and a pair of blue jean shorts. As i slip on a pair of flip flops i sit on the bed.

"Hey little one," i say running my hand through my hair as the other on rests on my stomach, "I can't wait for the rest of the family to know what you are. They will love you either way. I can't wait for you to be here so I can hold you in my arms."

"Hey babe," Opie says slowly opening the door, "Ellie and Kenny are here and want to know if they can help decorate." I chuckle as i stand up and walk toward him.

"I would love for them to help. We just have to keep them away from the ballons." I say as i walk with him down the hall. I see Ellie sitting on the couch with headphones in her ear and her thumbs going fifty miles per hour. Kenny was sitting on the couch waiting for us to come into the living room. "I thought you said they were wanting to help?" I whisper to Opie as we enter the living room.

"Ok, Kenny wanted to help." He says with a chuckle. "Kenny, will you help jess put up the decorations?"

"Yes!" Kenny says really excited as he runs toward his dad.

"Good, I'm going to go put a shirt on and I'll be right back. Will you help her place the table cloths on the tables out back?"

"Yes sir!" He says as he takes the bag next to Opie.

"Come on baby.  Let's go out back and decorate for the party." I tell kenny as i take his hand and walk into the backyard.


"Jess, the back yard looks amazing! But there are no pinks or blues." Clair says as she carries Harley as Juice trails behind.

"Thank you." I say sitting down at the picnic table. "That's the point. No one will know what the baby is until the ballons are released later." I say looking around at the decorations.

"What time are you releasing the ballons?" Juice asks as he sits down next to Clair.

"After everyone is here and we all eat." I say. "Opie is fixing burgers on the grill."

"He better not burn them." Juice says as she gets up and walks toward opie. Clair puts Harley down and he walks over to the toys laying in the yard that kenny is playing with.

"How did the kids take the news that they were going to have another kid around?" Clair asks.

"Kenny was really excited and Ellie could care less unless her phone turned into a kid." I tell her. "She is in her room right now listening to music and texting her friends." I explain running my hands through my hair.

"Kid these days. They are always connected to they're phone. I wonder what she would do if we got put under lock down and she couldn't have her phone to tell all get little friend why she won't be able to go see the new twilight movie." Clair jokes.

"She sound lose get mind."

"No kidding." She says looking at me. "Your not very big for 7 months."

"What are you talking about? I'm huge but Opie still thinks I'm gorgeous. I don't see it."

"Its the pregnancy glow.  All men are attacked to it for some reason." Clair tells me as i hear Gemma, Clay, Tig, Chibs walk through the gate.

"Hey! Glad you could make it." I say before i hug them all.

"Hey baby girl, where can i put these?" Gemma asks while holding some chips and soda.

"You can place them over here on the table." I tell her as i show her over to the extra table with finger foods, soda, punch, and a few bags of chips.

"Damn! You are looking great!" Tig says as he hugs me.

"Thanks Tiggy." I say hugging him back.

"You better back of her before Ope stomps your ass." Jax's says walking up behind us with able on his shoulders. I look behind him and see tara talking to my sister as thomas runs off to play with Harley and Kenny. Tig sticks his hands up in surrender as he chuckles.

"Who's ass is in need of a stomping?" Opie asks as he places the plate of burgers down on the table.

"Tig said your girl was looking great." Jax said as he put Abel down.

"She looks fucking gorgeous!" He says as he kisses my hair making me blush.

"You all leave her alone. Can't you see she is blushing." Gemma says shewing them away. They chuckle and walk off toward the kids.

"Thanks Gem." I say as i rest my hands on my bump.


"Time for the Ballon release!" I yell over everyone's conversation.

"Finally!" Clair says running up with her camera.

"Is everyone here? Can everyone see?" I ask as Opie stands on the other side of the green and yellow stripped box.

"Yes!" Able says from Jax's shoulder. Everyone chuckles.

"Ok, here we go." I say as me and Opie open the top of the box and pink ballons flew out around us. There was cheering and cameras clicking all around us.


~Thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote, comment, follow, and share!

~yay!!!! Let me know some girl names that would be cute!! Thanks!

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