The start of something

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"Hey, Gemma told me that I need to assist you to your hotel and make sure you get settled in." Opie says walking up to me as I stand next to the clubhouse.

"Yeah, I kind of need a ride." I say embarrassed.

"Alright, I'll go ask Gemma for her keys while you get your stuff and I'll met you right here in 15 minutes." He says rubbing the back of his neck.

"Alright." I answer as I walk into the clubhouse, back to the room where Gemma and Clair had helped me get dressed for the wedding earlier. I walk in and grab my small suit case and duffle bag and walk back out to the side of the clubhouse. Standing there I watch people leave while club members walk into the clubhouse with some girls that looked very skanky.

"You ready to go princess?" Opie says as he walks out of the club. He had changed out of the long sleeve shirt and put on a black tank top but everything else was the same.

"Sure." I say walking over to him then following him to what i'm guessing is Gemma's car.

"I'll take those," he says taking my bags from me and puts them in the trunk.

"Thanks,"I say walking around to the passenger side and get in the car.

"Your sister has already called and payed for your room." He says as he pulls out of TM. "Gemma said all you have to do when you get there is to ask the clerk for your room key. Its under your name," He explains.

"Ok." I respond quietly as I sit there starring out the windshield. It was quiet for a while before he asked.

"So why did you leave charming?"

"Clair told your earlier why I left. I left to become an artist. There was no way in hell I could do that here." I says still looking out the windshield avoiding eye contract.

"Alright," he says looking over at me, "So how long are you planning on staying?" He glances my way again before I answer.

"I don't know. I might stay a week just to check up on Clair and stop by and see mom." I say.

"Your a very shy person." He states randomly.

"Why do you say that?" I ask turning in my seat to look at him. He chuckles glancing over at me.

"Because that is the first time you have looked over here the entire car ride." I slump into my seat as he says that.

"Sorry, I did learn manners before I left. Don't you know its rude to stare?"

"I always stare at something I think is beautiful." I felt the blush crawl across my cheeks, lucky it was dark so he couldn't see. The rest of the car ride was quiet until we got to the hotel. " I'm going to drop you at the door while I'll park then I'll bring your bags in." He says as he stops in front of the hotel. I nod and walk into the hotel. It was nice for a little charming hotel. I walked up to the wooden clerks desk.

"I need the room key for Jessica Taylors." I say as the older lady turns around. She hands me the key to the room and returns to talking with the other employees. I walk toward the door to see Opie walking across the parking lot. I stand at the door waiting for him.

"Did you get the key?" He asks walking up to me. I nod and lead him up a flight of stairs and down a long hallway to my room. As I open the door Opie walks in front of me into the room. He flips the light on and places my bags on one of the two beds and walks through the room.

"Can I ask what you're doing?" I ask as I step into the room and close the door.

"Just making sure no one is in here or has messed with anything."

He Called Me Princess (sons of anarchy fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now