•Proverbs 28:20•

Start from the beginning

I wake to added pressure on my lower stomach. It scares me at first, not sure what's going on, but immediately calm when it's only Sin using me as a freaking pillow. I love the man dearly, for some twisted reason, but I would really love if he used his pillow. He probably feels the same way at night, I tell myself.
    Everything he said that night he found out I was pregnant always comes back to me when I look at him. He never talks about his feelings or about his past, so it was completely unexpected for him to bust all that out and he hasn't since. I hadn't realize what I was doing to him while keeping the pregnancy a secret. It brought up old "feelings" that happened with Emmy. He's been over protective to say the very least; he won't let me out of his sight, if I try doing anything he tries stopping me, he wants me to be sitting as much as possible, he makes me eat a very tasteless and odd diet for the baby, he'll only let me outside if I want fresh air.
"Finally you're up, I was starting to think I would have to wake you," he says, propping himself up on his elbow and looking at me. He keeps his free hand on my swollen stomach, smiling the gentlest smile I've ever seen on this man. Going through this experience with him has been the best thing in my entire life and I'm excited for what going to happen when I have the baby.
"I'm tired from last night," I tell him. He wiggles his brows. My sex drive the last two days has been off the walls. Every time I look at him I want him. He teases me for but also says how much he loves that I want him.
"You should just stay like this forever," he says. For me it's uncomfortable, the ball of a stomach I've grown makes me feel awkward, but I only have four months left until it's out. Tomorrow we have a doctors appointment for an ultrasound that will tell us the gender. He has his fingers crossed for a boy because he wants to experience that the little boy stuff like sports and video games and I'm the same way. Whichever we have we'll be happy with.
"Only four months," I tell him. Strangely enough, he's the one enjoying this. Every man that I've witnessed with a pregnant girlfriend or wife could care less for the most part unless there is obvious danger but damn, I can't breathe. When he's around, he's over my shoulder and if he's not, then I'm home finding something to do with myself so I "don't get hurt."
"After," he says with a laugh. I roll my eyes. I honestly don't see myself having anymore kids with him, nor did I see myself having this one. I'm happy about it, but I'm pleased with the size that our family is at. If anything happens, it happens, but I would really rather it not. "I like your body like this."
"You're crazy."
"That just means I keep things interesting. I think you look sexy with my baby inside you," he says, lifting my shirt and pressing his lips to my stomach like he was last night. "I have work to do today, but I trust that you won't do too much while I'm gone and promise not to leave."
"Sin, I need to get out at least a little bit. The backyard only does so much," I whine. I don't want to seek ungrateful but his smothering is at a level that I'm almost at my breaking point with. He even has the guys around the house keeping an eye on me.
"How about tonight we can go out to dinner?" I nod excitedly. I haven't been out of here in a week. "In agreement that you don't do too much and stay here."
"I promise."

I've spent all day cleaning around the house anywhere I found the smallest speck of dirt. There is nothing to do around here and no one is except for me and a few other people. The maids took care of the dishes, dusting, cleaning the windows, everything so I had to do go over that for my own entertainment. I've asked Sin if he could give some of the maids an extra day off so I would have something to do around the house but he doesn't and I also don't want anyone getting less work than they usually do because that would cut their checks.
Now I'm in Sin's office cleaning because I know this is the one room the maids don't come in. No one does unless it's necessary or he calls you in and usually when he wants you in there it's not good. I've seen people come out of his office with beaten faces and yelling in there when the door is locked but I never say anything because it's not just business. Emmy isn't fazed by it even though I know she hears it all. I don't want her around it but it's not my choice.
Everything is wooden and kind of old looking. The desk has details graved into the wood and there are books on every shelf he has. It's very masculine and very obvious he put it together himself because it shows his personality.
     "Where's Sinith?"  I hear Kole's voice say. I spin around from bending over to dust off the drawers off the desk. He crossed his buff arms over his chest.
    "He went off with a few of the guys and Lorenzo. Is everything okay?" I ask. He nods, looking behind him before coming in more.
"Yeah," he says. I set the rag I've been using on one of the black brown bookshelves. "How are you?" He asks, gesturing to my tummy.
   "I'm okay," I tell him. He closes the door behind him, tucking his hands in his pockets as he makes his way to me. Since I came back it's seemed like the friendship we made vanished, leaving us as we were before. It felt nice to have a friend who understood all of this even if it was on a different level. "What's wrong?"
     "Nothing, I'm just trying to understand all of this the right way," he says. My brows pull together in confusion. "Why the hell are you back with him?" His voice sounds disappointed and defeated. The room suddenly feels stuffy. He comes closer, closer than he should. I take a step back only to press myself against Sin's desk.
    Placing his hands on either side of my body my heart starts beating faster in my chest. Before I can really register what's going on he has his lips on mine. I lift my knee and hit him where it counts, pushing him back angrily.
     "What the fuck?!" He grabs my arms and presses me back where I was. My heart beats fast in my chest. He takes one hand and creases my waist, licking his lips.
"Come on, you know there's something with you and me," he says. He's delusional if he thinks there is anything. I don't think I've ever even done anything to give him that impression. "You would never have to worry with me. I'm faithful, we get along great, I don't have too much baggage for you to carry around with me," he explains. Nothing he says comes off the way it should, instead I take it as him talking crap about Sin. My chest tightens with rage. I'm not an angry person, it takes a lot to get to this point, but he pushed the right buttons.
     "Sin is a good man who has made mistakes in our relationship. He's changing and we're better than ever."
    "Changing is bullshit!" He tells me. Please, someone come in and get me the fuck out of this office. All I wanted was to clean because I feel like Sin has me do nothing but lay in bed and thought it would be a nice thing to do for him when he comes home. "How are you supposed to feel like he only desires you when he looks at every women like a bag of meat? You should know you're the only one he wants, to feel secure and safe."
    "I do feel safe."
    "Secure? Like you're the only one he wants?" To that I stay quiet, a lie not even able to leave my mouth. "Exactly."
"I can get to that point, he's made it obvious he wants only me but I have to learn to trust him." He's making me doubt things and I refute to actually believe those thoughts. Sin is changing for the better and hasn't done anything that I know since the last time. His hands creep under my shirt and lift it. I move my arms in attempt to get him to stop but he's too strong. His eyes widen when he sees the bruises in my body from last night and the night before last with Sin. Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean he's resorted to vanilla sex, he's just a tad bit gentle when inside me.
          "Do you seriously have marks on your body from him?!" I squirm against him again, wanting to get out of this room. He rolls my shirt down to cover the bruises Sin left on my waist and brushes my hair to the back to see my hickey infested skin on my neck. "He has you looking like a desperate whore, Davina."
      "You do not get to comment on the way my body is. You need to get the hell off of me," I tell him, trying to push him back by his shoulders but he's a freaking bolder. "If you don't leave me alone right now I won't hesitate with telling Sin."
    "Running to, Daddy?" He says teasingly as if I'm a child. I grin, forcing myself to stand my ground even though I've never felt so uncomfortable and violated. It feels awful to have another man that's not Sin pressed against me.
     "Yeah, I'm running to my daddy," I tell him, taking him by surprise. "Now get the fuck off of me." He finally lets me go and walks towards the door. I don't move until he's out of the office and is down the hall. I let out a loud sigh, pressing my hand to my chest as I breath heavily.
   What the hell was that?

    AN: Things are about to get interested. The next few chapters will have time jumps up to when she has the baby. You guys will find out the gender next chapter! I really hope you guys enjoyed!
     Question: How do you feel about Kole and Davvy? What gender do you think the baby will be?

 You guys will find out the gender next chapter! I really hope you guys enjoyed!      Question: How do you feel about Kole and Davvy? What gender do you think the baby will be?

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