Chapter 18

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"It's been long enough Baba, so if you're not going to tell Sakina about her real parents then I will" Sakina dropped her bag which dragged the attention of everyone in the living room to the horrified look on her face.

"My what?" She asked with a shake-y voice and tears in her eyes.
That was the moment that Mimi knew she had messed up and there was no taking it back.

"My what?" Sakina asked again moving further into the living room where everyone was sitting.

"Sakina..." Abdulsalam called her name and she could see in his eyes the pain and the sorrow he felt but she didn't understand why; she didn't want to.

"What is going on? What is Mimi talking about?" Sakina looked from one face to another and none of their faces screamed 'this is a cruel joke, Mimi didn't mean to say the words'

"Can someone please explain what Mimi said to me?" Sakina said her voice raised a little more than it was before.

"Excuse us please" Abdulsalam said and all the girls left; leaving Sakina with him and his wife.
Sakina watched all of the girls' faces as they walked out.
Salma looked to be in shock as she rocked her crying baby in her arms, Amal had tears streaming down her face and Jawa and the twins had blank, shocked expressions; it became clear to Sakina that the girls probably just found out too. But what Sakina couldn't understand was, if they didn't know then why were they acting so weird before?

"Sakina, please I want you to listen to me very carefully" Abdulsalam said as Sakina sat on the floor in front of him and his wife.

"Sakina, I just want you to know that we love you with all our hearts and that's never going to change, no matter what" Amina said. Sakina's heart was already beating at a million beats per second and she had a huge pit on her stomach.

Sakina sat silent feeling a rollercoaster of emotions as her father began to tell her the story of the day they met her mother.
The couple told her everything that had happened, sparing no details.

"She just left me?" Sakina didn't know exactly which part of the story to answer first, but the most painful part of it was the part where she was told that woman who gave birth to her just up and left her without a second thought.

"Sakina, that woman is not your mother, all she did was have a baby. I am your mother and Abdulsalam is your father, it doesn't matter where you came to us from" Amina said as tears streamed down her own cheeks. This was not the way she wanted Sakina to find out about her past.
Sakina fell silent once more just sitting in front of them with a blank expression on her face.
She slowly got to her feet, without saying another word to either of them, she walked out of the living room and slowly up to her room.

She met Amal and Salma on her way, they talked to her but she literally couldn't hear them. All she could hear was the voices of people she believed to be her parents, telling her that her whole life has been a lie.
She entered her room and locked the door; she needed space and time to think and process all the information.

After Sakina disappeared into her room and the girls saw that she wasn't going to be seen for the rest of the night, they decided it was time they interrogated their parents as well.
And so they all went back to the living they had previously been dismissed from.
"How long have you known this, Mimi?" Amal asked furiously at her oldest sister.

"A few weeks" Mimi answered almost guiltily.

"And you didn't think you needed to share that information with us?" Salma asked with furrowed brows.

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