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“Oh my God! It is the Billings!” One of the girls from McEnroe Enterprises squealed as MJ and Jorge walked into the building in their mighty suits and billion dollar looks. MJ was wearing a white suit and short black heels. Her brown hair was tied up into a neat bun. Jorge, on the other hand, wore a black designer business suit, white shirt, and a grey tie with white stripes. 

A young woman approached them. "Good day, Mr and Miss Billings, Mr McEnroe awaits you in the boardroom. Please follow me." She said in a strict business tone. 

Jorge was quite shocked by her attitude. He swore she was one of the few women who looked at him as a normal human being. She led them to a private elevator and they landed on the fifth floor, and then she directed them to a room with big double doors. She opened the door and they both entered.

There was a huge table at the centre of the room, with about fifteen chairs in which only seven were occupied by seven men. At the end of the table stood a large white chair, which was without any doubt the CEO's, and was occupied by him, the 21-year-old Aaron McEnroe; a multimillionaire whom MJ saw as nothing more than a "chancer" who was handed the company on a silver platter by his aging father.

"Mr and Miss Billings, it's an honour having you here. Welcome!" He stood up and shook Jorge's hand first, and then MJ's, who shook his hand in a long firm grip until her knuckles turned white. 

She stood there and examined him from head to toe with a straight face. He felt intimidated by her presence. Jorge cleared his throat, and MJ let go of McEnroe’s hand, to which he sighed in relief. Aaron stared at his hand, wondering how a woman can have so much power, professionally and physically.

He cleared his throat and adjusted his tie. “Uhm…please be seated.” He gestured at two unoccupied chairs, and Jorge went to sit down. He noticed that MJ was still standing in the same place and he raised his eyebrow questionably at her.

“That chair is too low for me.” She said flatly after a long silence.

Jorge sat back when he realized what she was doing and tried as hard to hold back his laughter. “I can get someone to get you a bigger chair.” McEnroe said and got up from his chair.

“Who said anything about size?” She asked sternly and raised an eyebrow at him.

He frowned, his eyebrows knitted together. "But–" he started, but the realization hit him hard, and his mouth dropped to the ground. "You want to sit on…on my chair?" He stammered, not believing what was happening in front of his eyes. "No, you can't sit on my chair, MJ – Miss Billings, I am the CEO of this company, and I am the only one who can sit on that chair.” He said angrily.

"That was not a request, Mr McEnroe." She said sternly, quickly losing her patience. 

She was MJ Billings, The MJ Billings. She was a superior businesswoman, greater than presidents, and mightier than kings. She could get anything she wanted by just a snap of a finger, and destroy everything by just a wave of the hand. Most men bowed down to her to kiss her feet, and unfortunately for him; Aaron McEnroe Jr. would be the one to bow today.

“I’m sorry, Miss, but I can’t.’ He said firmly. There was no way he was going to let MJ Billings step all over him. Most clients and board members treated him like a little child, making fun of how he could not run a company, and now he was about to be run over by a woman. MJ Billings was demanding to sit on the power chair, where only he could sit. After all, this was his company; he was the CEO and the only person in power.

"Can't or won't?" MJ asked, and he remained quiet. "Let I remind you, Mr McEnroe, that it is not my company that is on the verge of shutting down. So, it is either you let me take my rightful place, or we cut this meeting short, and you kiss your father’s company goodbye.” She said sternly and firmly that her voice rang throughout the boardroom.

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