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He was used to people staring at him. It was usual. He was handsome, rich, and powerful. Women wanted to be his. Men wanted to be him. Simple.

Everywhere he went, people stared at him and talked about how successful he was, however, tonight was slightly different; it felt like people were talking and laughing behind his back. He knew why this was happening, and unfortunately, the person responsible for this was probably under her warm blankets while he continued to suffer through the humiliation.

Logan was currently seated at Bon Appétit, waiting for their orders to arrive. His date, Carmen, was talking all the time; he barely caught anything she said. "Logan, are you even listening to me?" Carmen asked.

Logan gave her a hard look and said in a composed voice, "NO."

Carmen gasped in offense. "You mean, this whole time I've been pouring my heart out to you, and you haven't been listening?" She almost yelled, earning herself and Logan some curious stares.

Logan shrugged, Carmen was fuming, but before she could say any more, Logan said, "You know, you look prettier with your mouth shut." Carmen's face was beet-red from anger and embarrassment. She lowered her head and looked around to see if anyone was listening. Logan smirked with satisfaction; it took a lot to get her to shut up, she barely said anything with sense.

Logan thought the rest of his night was going to be peaceful, turned out he was entirely mistaken; thirty minutes into the dinner after the waiter brought their order, Sasha-Lee Van der Merwe came to their table. "Mr Parker, fancy meeting you here." She said innocently and clutched her purse in front of her.

Sasha was a 29-year-old journalist. She was your usual 'Queen B'; blonde hair, beautiful eyes, long legs, and a body modelling agencies looked for. She was a gorgeous woman with a tainted personality.

"This is my restaurant." Logan gritted.

Sasha returned a devious smirk and took a chair from the nearest table, and then she joined their table. Logan clenched his jaw, and Carmen gave her an incredulous look; who did this woman think she was?

"Oh, I know! Which is why am here." Sasha said in a smooth voice, and Logan narrowed his eyes at her.

"What do you want?" He gritted, not taking his eyes off her.

"Excuse me, but what the hell is this?" Carmen demanded, and Logan glared at her, causing her to flinch.

Logan took hold of her hand and gave her a tight smile. "Sweetheart, why don't you go to the restroom and freshen up; I don't mean to say this, but your face looks like a botched cake." Carmen gasped in shock and looked between him and Sasha.

"Go, sweetheart." Sasha soothed, giving her an apologetic look. Carmen was in a brink of tears; she picked up her purse and left the restaurant at a lightning speed. "That was harsh," Sasha said.

"Well, it did get us some privacy now, didn't it?" Logan shrugged, and Sasha put up her arms in mock surrender. "What is it that you want, Miss Van der Merwe?" Logan asked, scratching his chin, while his eyes focused on Sasha-Lee like a predator to its prey.

"A source of mine from London told me that your brother was arrested in Paris and that he was bailed out by your best friends; Jorge Billings and David Botha," Sasha said and leaned forward. Logan was shocked by her revelation as the words replayed in his head like a personal mantra; 'bailed out.' "So, what do you have to say about that?" She asked.

Logan looked at her with sharp eyes, and she swallowed visibly.

He pushed his chair back and stood up; not taking his eyes away from hers. He picked his wallet from the table and put it inside his jacket pocket, and then he bent down to her level and said deadly, "Don't make me remind everyone what happened on the 6th of June, 2012." Sasha stiffened. "Goodnight, Miss Van der Merwe; it was nice of you to join us." He said smoothly and walked away from the table, and left the restaurant.

The Billionaires(#1)Where stories live. Discover now