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She was going to drive him mad- in fact, she was already succeeding. She was late again, and she was not answering her phone. Just like the day before, Natalia was there to give him a bored look; she did not understand why he was acting the way he was for the past two days. Logan was angrier than usual, and it was all because of May Smith.

Natalia still could not understand where the problem was; she was disobeying and disrespecting him in his own company, but she would not be the first person to do it. Under normal circumstances, he would have fired her, but right now, she doubted that Logan was in his right state of mind. "Logan, this has gone on for too long now; you need to get your shit together," Natalia said, earning herself a glare from Logan, but she just rolled her eyes.

Natalia was about to say something when the office door opened, and 'May Smith' walked in, in all her glory. She was wearing a long black dress that reached her ankles and black nude heels. Her dark hair was straightened and tied into a neat bun, and she was holding a white handbag and a white coat in her hands.

Natalia was curious about her composure, from the way she dressed, her makeup, to the way she did her hair. MJ was a neat freak, especially when it came to her hair; she preferred to have it in a neat bun, loose curls, or straight and loose. Natalia had to admit that Sonya Smith's sister cleaned up well and knew her fashion. It was no surprise that Logan was checking her out too before his lips were set into a thin line. "You are late." Logan gritted.

Natalia raised an eyebrow at him; after all the drama he put up, all he was going to say was 'you are late?'

"It is not easy to adapt to the time zones, you know?" She said in a composed voice, and Logan gritted his teeth.

"Why are you late?" He asked deadly.

MJ pretended as if she was in deep thought.

Natalia watched this exchange in silence, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Let me see..." MJ started, tapping on her chin in thought. "How do I explain this?" She sighed. "I took a long, cold shower, it took me more than an hour to do my hair, and I spent a good half an hour to look this ravishing." She stated, and Natalia watched as Logan swallowed hard. She narrowed her eyes at him but did not say anything, making a mental note to confront him later. Natalia had to admit that May Smith had guts; she was doing a great job at annoying Logan, and for that, Natalia was starting to like her.

"I don't care if you had to go to the Nile River to bath!" Logan barked angrily, and Natalia jumped back. However, Logan's walls showed a crack when May did not flinch, but he covered it up and continued in a menacing cold voice, "This is my company, and you will do as I say. You will come to work on time just like everybody else."

MJ took slow steps towards his desk, her heels clicking against the hard floor. "Why are you mad?" She asked in a composed voice as she leaned over his desk, meeting his hard gaze. "We have a deal, remember? You want Sonya Smith's resignation later, and I am going to give it to you on a silver platter. So relax, Baby Doll." She mocked, and Logan's gaze hardened tenfold because of the nickname.

His face was slightly red, and his eyes were a shade darker. He looked as though he was going to explode anytime sooner. Natalia waited impatiently for his outburst but was shocked when more than ten seconds had passed and Logan still did not say anything.

Logan and MJ pinned each other down with their piercing gazes, neither one of them blinking. How long are they going to keep this up? Natalia wondered. She shook her head and cleared her throat, causing both heads to snap in her direction, their eyes burning into her. If looks could kill, she would have probably been dead by now.

She rolled her eyes and gestured at the phone. "Your phone is ringing." She said dryly.

Still holding Natalia's gaze, Logan picked up his phone and slammed it back on the holder without answering the call. Natalia gasped in utter shock; what has gotten into him? She wondered.

"Get to work," Logan said to May in a deadly voice before storming out of the office, He had said to May before storming out of his office, leaving a shocked Natalia and a calmly furious MJ. Who the hell was he to order her around?

Natalia finally gained her composure and turned to May, who was burning holes at the door. Natalia approached her, and stood in front of her, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "Well, that was interesting." She smirked, and for a second, MJ's attention was on her. "Hi, I'm Natalia, Logan's secretary, and you must be May, Sonya Smith's sister." Natalia greeted with a warm smile, but MJ did not seem to notice as she recalled her words over and over again in her head.

'Logan's secretary.' Why would she refer to him by his first name and not his title, preferably Mr Parker?

"May Smith, it is a pleasure to meet you," MJ said with one of her famous tight smiles, but Natalia did not seem to mind or notice; she just beamed at MJ. Natalia was not used to anyone else driving Logan crazy, except for herself, but she knew her limits. However, this fine creature of a flaming woman had no boundaries and could drive Logan to the edge without even lifting a finger.

"The pleasure is all mine. Uhm...I'd better get back to work, and I think you should too." Natalia said in a murmur while skimming across the office floor with her eyes. MJ followed her eyes and her body stiffened at the sight of files all over the floor, which up until now, she did not see. She gritted her teeth; this looked just about the same mess Logan had caused yesterday, the bastard did not even get someone to clean up. "I'll leave you to it then. Bye!" Natalia said hurriedly and rushed out of the office.

MJ did not even give herself time to ponder over Natalia's strange behaviour; she was angry, and when she was angry, she tended to do irrational things. If Logan wanted her to work, she was going to work, after all, he was her boss...and then there was that little fact that she was not really his employee.

Then again, there was Sonya Smith who was hanging over her head like a dark cloud. If MJ messed up her employment status, she might as well start preparing for Jorge's burial because her brother was the one who was going to be affected by her secret.

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