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Logan did not understand what was wrong with him; he was not usually this angry and reprimanded himself for letting May Smith get to him, but the woman was inveterate. However, that was not why Logan was angry. He felt guilty for throwing his brother to the wolves, and the worst part was that he was not doing anything to redeem himself. A part of him told him that he should get Liam out of prison, but another part of him told him that this was the only way Cameron would grow up and stop being irresponsible.

Logan sighed and washed his face, and then stared at his reflection in the mirror. Logan could not deny that he was good looking- he knew it, and everybody else knew it. His good looks were the reason why he changed women more than he changed his tie and handkerchief. He had a reputation of a "bad boy" - a player; he slept with a different woman each day and threw them like trash after that. Women ran after him, so why would May Smith be any different? He smirked as he dried his hands, and then he went back to his office.

About less than ten minutes later, Logan Parker was not as confident as he was when he stood in front of the mirror. He was shocked to see what MJ had done. Never in his life had he ever met a hot-headed woman like her; after ordering her to get to work, he never thought she would oblige. In fact, he thought she would have been gone by the time he came back, but no; she stayed and did her job. She worked, all right, except, she just picked up the papers, placed them together in a pile, and left them on the floor next to his desk.

If Logan thought that was worse, he was proven wrong when his eyes moved to his desk, and there she was, sitting on his chair- HIS chair, with her eyes closed and her legs crossed. If he was not furious, that sight would have been quite alluring, but no, she was sitting on his chair! Not even her sexy legs and pretty face could erase this, it was unforgivable. He had a string of curses lined on his tongue, but he could not find his voice.

"You are back." She said, not bothering to move or open her eyes.

The nerve! He thought as he gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. "Get off my chair," Logan said sternly, which was no use because she did not even flinch; she got up from his chair and moved away with a smirk plastered on her face.

Before he knew what he was doing, Logan's hand shot out and he grabbed her wrists, pulling her against his chest. "Don't you ever sit on my chair again, do you understand?" He warned, his breath fanning her face.

Logan thought she was going to try and fight him, but instead, she stood firm and looked him straight in the eye, and said in the deadliest voice he had ever heard coming from a woman, "And don't you ever put your hands on me again, Baby Doll." Logan's eyes momentarily flickered and he instantly let go of her before walking around his desk.

He stood and looked at his chair, and then shot May Smith with a cold gaze before pushing the chair back in and standing behind it. "Tell me something; who the hell are you? What the hell do you want from me? I give you a simple job and you can't do it. Why on earth are you here?" He gritted and crossed his arms. "Are you a spy from the Billings siblings? Did MJ Billings send you to destroy my company? Because I am sure as hell that with your working experience at Billings Corporations, you gained some work experience and you should know how to do some damn filing!" He shouted at her and slammed his fists on the table, his eyes filled with fury.

MJ wore a confused expression on her face. Why would she want to destroy his company? Was that what he thought of her, that she was out to get him? He asked to get to work and she did just that, but it seemed as though her being cooperative was not working, so why keep it up? "Listen to me, Baby Doll..." She moved around his desk and stood in front of him, staring into his face. "You don't shout at me, do you understand that? I don't care how important or rich you think you are; you don't speak to me in that tone." She said in her business tone. "You have no idea who I am or what I am capable of." She grabbed her handbag and left his office.

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