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If someone asked her why she was doing this, she would never answer because she also did not have the answer. She could not explain why she, a 28-year-old, was letting a 20-year-old girl, turning 21 in December, drag her around. Maybe because she had a beautiful smile that shined brighter than the stars or that she was Shannon Botha, her new roommate. MJ could not tell.

They were currently cramped in a taxi with fifteen people, and MJ was already regretting coming. The taxi had fourteen seats- four in the backseat, three in the second row, three on the third row, and four on the first row. The seats in the second and third row were separated; there was one seat for two people and the other was detached and was for one person. When the people at the back wanted to get out, the people sitting on the single chairs had to step out so that the people exiting could close the chair to clear the way.

Unfortunately, MJ happened to be sitting in the second row, and had to get out all the time. As for Shannon, she was sitting in the front with the driver while counting the taxi fare and complaining about how it was unfair that she had to collect the money and still pay.

MJ wished she had called Liam because then it would have been just her and Shannon. Shannon could be loud, but the people in the taxi were louder, the driver was listening to the radio.

MJ could feel and hear the engine reverberate, the woman sitting next to her was speaking loudly on the phone, the teenage boy sitting behind her was playing games on loudspeaker, there was a girl listening to earphones and singing aloud, and there were other passengers conversing loudly.

She prayed and hoped that the nightmare finally ended, unfortunately, her prayers were answered much later after the taxi toured around the city, delivering and picking up people. When they finally arrived outside Shannon’s residence, she could finally breathe, however, Shannon did not seem to be having any problems; she had a goofy smile on her face. MJ even felt like her suit had acquired stains from the taxi seats. If she had known what she was getting herself into, she would not have worn a white dress and white jacket.

Shannon probably had no stress because she was wearing her jeans from the previous day and one of Sonya’s T-shirts. “Not quite what you are used to, huh?” Shannon asked as they walked towards her res. “I mean, riding in taxis and stuff, I’m sure you ride alone in one of those yellow cabs they like to use in American movies.” She said curiously.

“I’ve never ridden a taxi in my entire life.” MJ rolled her eyes, and Shannon stopped in her tracks.

“What do you mean, never?” Shannon asked, and MJ walked past her.

“That I have always had a driver, if anything; the only time I ever used a taxi was in primary school this one time when our car had flat tyres, and my dad had to ask my friend’s transport driver to pick me up.” MJ said with a distant smile.

“And you just woke up and the tyres were flat?” Shannon asked with a frown on her face. They were nearing the gates and her heart was pounding hard and fast in her chest. MJ did not answer her question, but instead pointed out that they were here. As they approached the gate, two guards were standing there, and one of them whispered something in the other one’s ear as they watched them. “That one busy whispering is Augustine Coetzee; he is one of my brother’s friends, so he is definitely going to give us a hard time.” Shannon said nervously. “Augustine!” She said in a high-pitched voice, and MJ threw her a look.

The guard in command opened the gate for them, but not before casting a suspicious look at MJ. Once they were inside, he closed the gate and assessed them, but when MJ caught him staring, he quickly averted his gaze to Shannon. “Hey, Shannon, it’s a good thing you are here, man. Your brother is on his way back from Australia, he said you should come home today.” Augustine said.

“That took longer than I expected,” Shannon thought out loud. “Well, my mom already told me, so I’m here to fetch my clothes, ’cause I’m going to stay at home for quite some time.” Shannon lied, and the man gave her a suspicious look.

“You can come and get them when your brother comes back.” He suggested, and MJ narrowed her eyes at him.

“She was not asking you.” Augustine looked at her, an annoyed look on his face accompanied by threatening eyes, but MJ could not care less. The guy was tall and a bit muscular too; the scar on his face should have probably scared her, as well as the tattoo that appeared slightly on his neck. He had a gangster aura around him, and his posture spoke volumes, even the manner in which he spoke.

He looked her up and down with a disgusted look. “En wie is jy? (And who are you?)” He asked rudely.

“Many people who have asked before, did not like their answers; are you sure you want an answer?” MJ asked in a smooth voice, and doubt flickered in the man’s eyes as he took in her appearance again; a fancy dress and jacket, expensive shoes and handbag, a stone face with sharp eyes, and a smooth deadly voice - not a good combination.

Augustine looked between her and Shannon, and took a cautious step back. Taking this as their cue to leave, Shannon put her phone away and gestured for MJ to follow her; the sooner they got out of here, the better.

The Billionaires(#1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora