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He knew what he was doing was dangerous, but he had to do something before someone got hurt, especially if that someone was going to be his stubborn little sister. He had been trying to get hold of her since his conversation with MJ Billings, but she was not taking his calls and she was blue-ticking him on WhatsApp.

It would appear that Shannon Botha was willingly staying with MJ Billings and that she was unaware that MJ was holding her hostage. Stupid conclusion, but what was he supposed to think?

He had seen what MJ Billings was capable of; there was no murder history, but if she was capable of destroying people and their businesses, as well as making threats with the entire world watching; then she was capable of anything. That kind of a woman was to be feared.

He was currently seated at a corner table at Steers, waiting for his cousin, Amber, to arrive. After her fight with Shannon, Amber had done a good job at making herself scarce, especially with their video trending.

“Goeie môre. (Good morning.)” His elegant cousin came from behind and kissed him on the cheek before she took a seat opposite him.

Amber was 25 years old, almost 26, but she looked more around Shannon’s age. She was a short and slender girl with black her and startling dark eyes. She was an actress and model, and a fashion trendsetter, which was why she was perfect for this job.

“Jy’s laat. (You are late.)” David stated and closed the menu he had been staring at.

“Jammer. (Sorry.)” Amber replied in a whisper and hid her face with her hair so that she could remove her shades.

David rolled his eyes. “No one is going to see you, and it is still early, so it is not that packed.” He said, but Amber ignored him and looked at the menu, almost covering her entire face. “Waiter!” David called out, but Amber shushed him.

“What are you doing? You can’t call them here, go and order at the till!” She shouted in a low, panicked voice, and David sighed and went to order at the till.

“So, why did you call me here?” Amber asked once he returned.

“Let’s eat first.” David said.

“I can’t. I have a photo shoot in an hour. So whatever it is, you have to make it snappy.”

David sighed. “Fine. But let’s just wait for our orders to arrive first. So how long are you planning to stay in Cape?” He asked.

“Another week or so; I have a movie filming in two weeks. I am the lead role, so I have to give it my best.” She said proudly and smiled for the first time since she got here. “This is the career outbreak I’ve been waiting for, and I’m gonna make every second worthy.”

David smiled at her. He wished his sister was as passionate as Amber was. Shannon was literally forced to go to varsity after their parents threatened to throw her out of the house after matric. She was so eager about not going to varsity and tried her best to miss deadlines, but both he and his twin sister applied for her at different varsities.

Shannon was a rogue; an angry girl with no hope for the future. She smoked weed, drank, partied, and she was dating a gangster. David had tried his best to get her back on the line, but the girl hated his guts and barely listened to him. She did not listen to their mother either; the only people she listened to, were his wife, Lolitta, and his twin sister, Zoe.

He needed to save her from ruining her future, and he needed Amber’s help. Finally, their orders arrived, and Amber complained about having to watch her figure, but she ate anyway.

Halfway through their breakfast, Amber asked him what he wanted, again. “Look, I know things are not good between you and Shannon right now, but her life might be in danger, and I need your help.” David said and watched her to see her reaction.

He expected her to decline on the spot, but she simply shrugged and asked, “What has she gotten herself into this time?” David sighed in relief and told her about MJ Billings’ threat to kill Shannon if he exposed her. “So, what do you need me to do?” She asked with determination.

David took out his Truworths card and slid it across the table. Amber picked up the card and stared at it before looking up at David with a knowing smirk. David was stingy with his cards and money, and if he was giving his shopaholic cousin his card, it meant that he was desperate.

“I want you to look your best tonight; we have some work to do.” David said in a serious tone, and Amber gave a firm nod.

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