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MJ finished having breakfast with Jameson and they both went their separate ways. He had offered to take her back to her apartment, but she insisted on jogging back since him and Logan Parker disturbed her. Jameson agreed, but not before asking her to have dinner with him and his mother at their house tomorrow after work. MJ hesitated for a moment before she agreed, and besides, she was sure her heartbroken guest was not going to leave anytime soon and could use some space.

By the time she arrived at the apartment, Shannon was sitting on the kitchen counter in one of Sonya’s robes while eating cereal. She looked better than she did the previous; her face was no longer tearstained, although her eyes were puffy and swollen, and her hair was brushed and tied neatly into a braid. She had a light look on her face despite the absence of her radiant smiles.

“Morning.” MJ greeted and walked to the bathroom, not waiting for a response. She took a quick shower and changed into her famous sweatpants and T-shirt, and then she went back to the sitting room.

Upon arrival, Shannon was sprawled on the couch with one leg over the couch, while she stared at the ceiling. The picture was quite unattractive and unladylike; thank God, it was just the two of them in the apartment. MJ stood in the doorway and crossed her arms over her chest, and shook her head at Shannon in disapproval. Why would a girl her age, beat herself up over a boy?

As if sensing her presence behind the couch, Shannon spoke up, “It’s so funny, you know?” She said and paused for a while. MJ thought that she was going to give a sad speech about how funny it was that the people you loved the most, were the ones to hurt you the most, but she was proven wrong when Shannon spoke again. “I cried and cried and cried all night long, and kept waiting for the pain to come, but it didn’t.” She said enthusiastically and sat up straight. “I mean, my cousin and boyfriend cheated on me, but I’m not heartbroken.” She said with gleeful eyes and turned to look at MJ.

MJ gave her a perplexed look and asked, “You are not?”

Shannon laughed and waved MJ off, “Jeez, you are so funny, of course not! You know when you are hurting inside, your heart squeezes and you just feel that pain…” She emphasised by squeezing her hand as if she was squeezing a lemon, and then she nodded in satisfaction and sighed. “I’m not heartbroken. I mean, I knew he was sleeping around with the girls in my house, but then sleeping with my own cousin in my own room, on my own bed? Sweetheart, that’s a cold blow to a girl’s ego.” She said and snapped her fingers.

MJ gave her an incredulous look. Were girls betrayed by the love of their lives not supposed to hurt? “I thought he was the love of your life.” MJ wondered aloud, and Shannon burst into a fits of giggles.

“The love of my what?” She asked between laughs, tears leaking out of the corners of her eyes. “Girl, get out of here! Like, hello? I’m 20, turning 21 in December; what the fuck do I know about love? Of course, I did not love him; I was only in it for the money and for fun, but it was never love.” She sighed, and MJ gaped at her and shook her head.

“So, you are telling me that you went through all that trouble for nothing? What if those guards report you to the owner of that building and have you thrown out?” MJ asked, but Shannon scoffed.

“My brother owns that building, which is why I have to stay off the radar for a few days; I’m sure he’s already heard the wind and is on his way back from Australia now.” Shannon sighed and turned to MJ with a serious look. “Hey, do you think I can crash here for a few days?” She asked, and MJ moved away from the wall and sat on the armrest.

“No.” She said sternly.

“What? Come on! It is just for a few days, and besides you live alone, I’m pretty sure it gets lonely here.” Shannon said and moved closer to her. “Please, you won’t even know that I’m here, I promise.” She whined, and MJ groaned.

“You can’t stay here, and besides, don’t you have classes and assignments to submit?”

“Ever heard of technology?” Shannon asked smugly, and MJ glared at her.

They stared at each other for quite a while before MJ groaned in annoyance and moved away from the couch. “Fine! But it’s only for a few days.”

“Yes!” Shannon threw her hands in the air and started jumping on the couch, and then she slumped down again and sighed. “There’s just one problem though.” She said and stared at MJ.

Crossing her arms, MJ asked, “What?”

“You and Sonya dress like Gogos.” She made a funny face and MJ raised an eyebrow at her. Sighing, Shannon said, “I don’t have clothes to wear, and I left my laptop and toiletries in my room.”

“Liam will fetch them tomorrow morning before coming to fetch me for work.” MJ said and walked to the kitchen island.

“What? No way is your driver going to go through my clothes and touch my underwear.” Shannon jumped up and rushed to where MJ stood. “Come on, why can’t we fetch my clothes now together, without your driver?”

“Because the guards are going to capture you.” MJ said in a matter of fact voice.

“No, they are not, because I have you.” MJ looked at Shannon, and Shannon tried to mimic her stares.

Finally, MJ said, “Fine!  Let me go and change while you take a shower, you stink!” She walked to her room, while Shannon jumped up and down in excitement. “Hurry up before I change my mind!” MJ shouted, and Shannon ran to the bathroom immediately.

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