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Hours flew by and before he knew it, it was lunchtime. It had been three hours since Logan had sent MJ to print out some documents and send them to his office, but to his disappointment, there were no documents; he did not think she would defy him so fast. He sighed and got up from his chair. He took off his jacket from the hanger and put it on, and then he fixed his tie and collar before he grabbed his phone off the table and left his office.

He walked towards her office and stopped at the door, not believing what he was seeing. Right in front of his eyes was his PA, sleeping. Unfortunately for Logan, she looked so calm and beautiful in her sleep, and that fact was too hard to ignore.

Logan walked slowly and carefully to her desk. He walked around the desk and squatted down beside her. Her face was covered by a few strands of her curly hair, and Logan watched how they moved every time she fanned at them with her shallow breaths. He slowly reached for her face, but she jolted up and pushed her chair back, and Logan muttered a string of curses and moved away from her.

"What are you doing?" She asked breathlessly, but he just cleared his throat and looked at her with a blank face. What the hell was he thinking? He scolded himself.

"Looking for my documents." He said, pretending to be fixing his tie.

MJ narrowed her eyes at him. "Looking for documents?" She asked and pushed her hair out of her face.

"Yes." He said bluntly and cleared his throat, looking anywhere else but at her. "The documents I asked you to print out three hours ago."

"Documents?" She asked again.

"That's what I said." He gritted, his patience running out. Why won't she just let this go? He thought.

"On my face?" She asked.

His eyes shot up and he looked at her, and sure enough, a knowing smirk was plastered on her face. "Meet me downstairs in five minutes." He ordered and walked out of her office.

MJ put on her short, black heels that she had taken off when she returned to the office, followed by her white designer jacket. She had decided to wear a white dress like the blue one she had on the previous day, and a matching jacket. She picked up her phone and handbag, walked out of her office, and then joined Logan on the ground floor.

Logan was in a deep conversation with the secretaries, and they were nodding, muttering "yes, Sir," every now and then. MJ walked towards them with a blank face, and Logan sighed as he watched her near the desk.

"Ladies." She greeted with a curt nod.

"Hi, May!" The three of them greeted in unison, and MJ cringed visibly.

"May, you look ravishing today, what's the occasion?" Demi asked with fake enthusiasm.

Before MJ could answer with a bitter response she was sure to have, Logan beat her to it. "I'm taking her out for lunch." He said with a smirk on his face, and they walked outside, making sure to keep their distances.

"Where to?" MJ asked and bit her lower lip; a habit she had whenever she was nervous.

Logan cleared his throat and pointed to his right. "That way, it's a short walk from here." He said, and they started walking down the street. They walked in silence until Logan decided to break it. "Headache?" He asked.

"Is that my new name?" She answered rudely.

A smile crept up on his face and he swiftly stood in front of her, blocking her way. She sighed and put her hands on her waist.

"The best way to get rid of a headache, especially your type, is by drinking a lot of coffee. I would suggest black coffee." He said with his hands in his pockets while walking backwards.

"I don't drink coffee." MJ said with a plain face.

"It is good for your type of headache." He shrugged.

MJ rolled her eyes and walked past him. "Are you seriously giving me advice on how to get rid of you?" She smirked at him as he caught up.

"You will not get rid of me that easily, darling." He said proudly. "I am a ladies man."
"What will it take for you to shut your mouth?" MJ asked irritably, and Logan smirked. She was a tough one and was always firing at him.

"Well, how would you shut your boyfriend up?" He asked playfully.

She turned around abruptly and he almost ran into her. "Would you really like to know?" She asked seductively while biting her lower lip. She moved closer to him, their faces a few inches from each other. He lowered his head to meet her lips, but she ducked the kiss and whispered in his ear. "I don't do boyfriends." She turned and walked ahead of him.

He stood there perplexed and tried to process what just happened and what she said. A part of him was happy that she had no boyfriend, but what if she was married? He wondered. "Are you coming, Mr Bad Boy?" She stopped and shouted with a smirk on her face.

"You are standing at the right place, Bad Girl!" He shouted and walked up to her. MJ looked at the building in front of her. A big, bold 'Bon Appétit!' was written in italics and had a man on the side, holding a plate of spaghetti with meatballs. The restaurant looked so simple on the outside.

MJ wondered why Logan would eat here if he had all the money in the world. But then she remembered something; this was the same restaurant she had been in the night she humiliated him. Why on earth would he bring her here? "Shall we?" He broke her from her stupor, holding out his hand for her. She stared at his hand and debated on whether to take it or not; if this was part of his revenge, it was working.

But if she backed out of her challenge, then she was not MJ Billings. "We shall." She took his hand, and they walked into the restaurant. MJ was amazed at how elegant the restaurant was on the inside. Fancy chandeliers hung from the ceiling, and black and white flooded the restaurant from the tables to the walls and tiles. Was this how the restaurant looked the other night? She could not remember. "This is not quite what I expected." MJ whispered in Logan's ear, causing his body to tense as her breath brushed against his skin. She knew what she was doing, she knew the kind of effect she had on him. If he thought she did not notice the look he gave her a few minutes ago outside the restaurant, then he was in for the biggest shock of his life. Two can play this game. "You know, you shouldn't do that. I like being in control." She smirked, and Logan fought the urge to let go of her hand.

"Good afternoon, Mr Parker." A waiter greeted Logan at the door. "Would you and your wife like a table?" He asked. MJ tensed and Logan smirked. This waiter was new here and did not know much about his bosses, and for once, Logan was glad. Two can play this game, May Smith. He thought with a proud smirk.

"We are-" MJ tried to object, but Logan had other plans.

"My wife and I would like a table for two, please." He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him, and MJ froze at the contact. Logan had her exactly where he wanted her.

"This way, Sir." The waiter said and led them to a table. Logan led MJ with his hand still around her waist. MJ gritted her teeth and elbowed him on the ribs, causing him to choke. He quickly covered the cough with a laugh.

"Pardon my wife; she's very rough at times." He said to an old couple that was looking at them, and MJ clenched her jaw.

"Here's your table, unfortunately, my shift is over, but I'll send a waitress to take your orders." The waiter said. "Mr Parker, it was good seeing you again."

"Likewise, Sphamandla." Logan shook his hand.

"Mrs Parker." He smiled and nodded at MJ, and then he left them.

"So...Mrs Parker?" Logan pulled out a chair for her. She scoffed and sat down. Logan walked around and took the chair on the opposite side, and not long after, a waitress attended to them, and MJ swore right there and then that she was doomed.

"Good afternoon, Mr and Mrs Parker, here are the menus, please let me know as soon as you are ready to order." The waitress said, standing next to MJ. She placed the menus down and turned around, and her eyes widened in recognition when she saw MJ.

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