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"No woman in her right state of mind would speak to you the way those two women did unless you screwed them." Cameron Parker commented as he settled down on the couch in MJ's office.

Cameron was a thirty-year-old man who still got into a lot of trouble. He looked like a troublemaker, and anyone who had eyes could never miss that fact about him. He was wearing black skinny jeans, a white silk shirt, white Timberland boots, and a long silver chain hanging around his neck. His dark black hair was a mess, and his lips were set into a pout. His grey orbs snapped to Jorge when he did not reply to his comment. "Shit! You screwed them both, didn't you?" He asked, but Jorge did not answer; he just sighed and plopped down on the couch.

David Botha yawned and looked at his watch while standing on his feet. "I should probably get going. I have an early flight to Australia tomorrow morning, so I need all the rest I can get." He said, rubbing his eyes. "It's damn hard shifting between time zones after every hour." He muttered lazily.

"Wait for me, I'll just go and freshen up a bit," Cameron said and got up from the couch.

"You don't even know where the bathrooms are," Jorge muttered as Cameron walked to the door.

"No, but I know how to read and talk," Cameron smirked and walked out of the office, and as soon as he left, David and Jorge fell into thick silence; still not used to each other's company.

"I can't take him with me; I have a job to get to." David said, but Jorge just covered his eyes and muttered, "Sure."

David sighed from frustration as this was how it was between them when they went to get Cameron out of prison; they travelled in silence, and the only time they spoke was when Jorge asked why Cameron was arrested. "For what it's worth, Billings; ek is jammer," David said, and Jorge looked up at him with tired but indifferent eyes. "I am sorry for doing my job accordingly. But that's it; I was doing my job...you asked me to look for your sister, and I looked for her and found her." David shrugged. "I do my job very well, and 99% of the time, I am right, and I'm pretty sure I was right about your sister too."

Jorge scoffed. "Or maybe that 1% is my sister." He deadpanned.

"The 1% does not exist," David said smugly. "I am never wrong, and if you don't believe me when I tell you that I saw your sister thirteen years ago in the streets of London; homeless and pregnant, then you should probably hire another investigator to reinvestigate her, or ask her yourself because we both know you have never asked her." David challenged, and Jorge's back stiffened at the suggestion as he looked at David with cold burning eyes that would have scared anyone away.

However, David did not back down; he stepped forward and stood in front of Jorge. "Your sister disappeared for three years and showed up at the age of eighteen with this big business idea, and you just bought into it without asking any questions," David said and slipped his hands into his pockets. "You had no relatives in London and your father was in the USA at the time; where do you think your sister was all this time?" He asked and Jorge gulped. "If you are so sure that I made a mistake- ask her," David said before walking out of the office.

Unable to handle the truth in David's words and the possibility of him being right about MJ; Jorge walked to the stand and took out a bottle of whiskey and gulped down the drink from the bottle. He groaned and shook his head slightly at the effect of the alcohol before setting it back on the stand. He strolled to MJ's chair and sat down, and then he started to massage his temples in frustration.

As much as he hated to admit it, Jorge knew that somewhere in the lines, David had a point. MJ had run away from home at the age of fifteen, and after a month without a sign or word from her, a missing persons' case was filed. Jorge took long to report the case because he thought MJ was staying at her friend's house since she was in a bad state, only to discover that MJ's one and only best friend went overseas when they transitioned to high school and that she had been gone for three years. After searching for two months with no results, Jorge hired his best friend's friend, David Botha, to search for her. He had thought of all the possible places MJ could have gone, and London happened to be one of her favourite parts of the world; that was the last place David searched for the whole year until he came home one day bearing some news. He told Jorge that he had seen MJ in London and she was pregnant, but that was not all; she was homeless.

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