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Jameson's mother, Reina Dos Santos, entered the big gates of Pollsmoor Maximum Security Prison. She gave in her details and was sent to Medium C prison, where adult males who were sentenced up to one year or were on day-parole, or about to be released were held.

She never thought she would ever consider visiting her brother in prison, but after hearing her son’s confession, she had been thinking about it all night, and she went there first thing in the morning before going to work.

The guards searched her and she slowly walked into the visiting room where she sat down on the bench and awaited her brother’s arrival. She kept tapping her foot on the floor and the guard gave her a warning look, and she stopped, but immediately started tapping her fingers on the wooden table. She looked around her and there were more people who came to visit their families and friends.

She was getting more and more nervous as time passed. Three minutes felt like three hours. She clutched her handbag and got up to leave. “Reina?” A voice sounded and she stopped in her tracks, her heart thudding against her chest. She turned around slowly and looked up at the man who stood in front of her in orange jumpsuits.

For a moment, she did not know what to do, and then she leaped at him. “Rodrigo!” She hugged him.

“No touching!” The guard shouted, and she jumped back and sat down, and her brother sat down opposite her.

“Minha irmã, achei que você nunca viria. (My sister, I never thought you would come.)” He said with a small smile.

Tears ran down Reina’s face. “I’m so sorry, Rodrigo.” She cried. “Sinto muito, por favor, perdoe-me. (I’m sorry, please forgive me.)” She held his hands.

“I said no touching!” The guard repeated.

Reina quickly pulled her hands back, and Rodrigo gave her an apologetic smile.

“How is Antonina?” He asked. He did not understand why his sister would visit him now after so many years; the only people who ever visited him were Jameson and Antonina.

“She is fine.” She forced a smile and looked at him with sad eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me, Rodrigo?” She whispered. “Why didn’t you tell me that my son killed his own father?” She asked, fresh tears streaming down her face.

“How did you–” Rodrigo asked, his face slightly pale.

“How did I find out? I heard him confess to his friend, for Goodness’s sake!” Reina almost yelled, and Rodrigo clenched his jaw.

“Listen, Reina, this is exactly why I did not want you to find out!” He snapped. “You were comatose for six months, for Heaven’s sake, and I did what I had to do to protect my sister and nephew.” He said the last part quietly and took in a sharp breath, running his hand through his greying hair. “Stop worrying about what I did and focus on your son.” He said with a heavy sigh. “He probably told his friend because he is not well and needed to get it off his chest.” He got up from the bench and gave her a warm smile for the first time since she got here. “Go home and comfort your son; Ricardo needs you now more than ever.” He said and left the visiting room without another word.


MJ and Jameson had arrived at work together again, except this time Jameson did not sleep over; he looked very neat and professional, and he looked very jubilant compared to other days.

He wore a navy blue suit and a powder blue shirt, and his hair screamed for attention. MJ, on the other hand, decided to wear a short-sleeved, black formal dress that reached below her knees, this time she did not wear a jacket because Jameson snatched it away from her and creased it so she would not have enough time to iron it.

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