"If only it were that easy," Astrid smiled softly as she watched them act all mushy towards each other.

"It can be, you know?"

"I don't think it can," Astrid shrugged, "No matter what the circumstance."

"I dunno," Peter found himself fiddling with the present in his pocket nervously, "I just think- what if we had a fresh start, a rebirth."

"You want there to be a rebirth between us?" Astrid asked, confused.

"Maybe not in those specific words but-"

"Astrid! Cmon! Let's get a picture of you right over here!" Harley said eagerly.

Peter frowned a bit, which didn't go unnoticed by Astrid who immediately grabbed his free hand and began to pull him towards Harley.

"Wh-what are you doing?"

"You're taking the picture with me."

"No but Harley-"

"Harley! Can Pete be in this picture too?"

"Of course!" he smiled, "The more the merrier!"

Part of Peter wondered if Harley's nice guy persona was just an act but the other part knew it wasn't. He may not have known him too well but he trusted Astrid's judgement and for her to get so close to him so fast- that's because there was something good in him that she saw, and Brad apparently did too since he was so determined to get the two together.

He made his intentions clear pretty early on into the trip, sending the two away to take more photos by the water while he stood alone with Peter.

"Why don't you just give it up, Parker?"

"Because I love her- why do you want her to be with Harley so badly?"

"Because I love her and want what's best for her- and I think Harley is that."



"What does Harley have that I don't?"

"Well- he doesn't make her upset like you do."


"I get it, okay. You care about her and don't want her to die from whatever shit Norman passes to her but instead of tearing her down, you should be there for her, helping her- like Harley has been doing."

"You're right," Peter sighed, "I know you are but-"

"Nice chat we've had, Peter," Brad brushed him off though, quick to rejoin his friends and leaving Peter all alone.

He instead returned to watching Astrid again, this time sadly seeing her laugh with Harley.

Part of him was ready to give it up, listen to Brad and just let her go to be happy with Harley.

But then he felt the necklace still sitting in his pocket- the thing that was supposed to show Astrid they could have a fresh start and they could be happy together again.

He knew then he couldn't give up.

He instead made his way over to Ned who had finally stepped away from Betty to look at him.

"Everything okay?"

"Everything's perfect."

"Uh huh... and is the plan still on?"

"The plan is still on- and I will make sure it works. I am going to need some help though."

"Let me guess, with Brad?"

"Yeah, you think you could distract him?"

"No... not really... but MJ may be able to help a bit."

"Huh?" Peter frowned, turning around, only to cringe when he saw MJ giggling with Brad.

"You think he's the one she's been texting?"

"God, I hope not. Brad can be nice but he also hates me cause-"

"He's super overprotective of Astrid and he doesn't think you're right for her? Yeah, he told Betty and I all about it."

"Of course he did," Peter grumbled, "I wouldn't be surprised if he told the whole school already."

"I can respect that he knows what he wants," Ned shrugged.

"Even if what he wants is for me to drop dead?"

"Okay, I think you're being a little over dramatic now cau-"

"Please tell me your Peter tingle is going off," Astrid pleaded as she joined them suddenly.

"I thought we agreed to bench that term," Peter frowned, even though something had definitely felt off about the atmosphere.

"I'm serious! Harley and I noticed the water acting all weird-"

"How does water act weird?" Ned chuckled.

Before Astrid could begin to defend herself, the water rose, proving her point.

"Okay, you two get the others out of here-"

"What? Peter, you don't even have your suit!"

"I just- I can wear a mask. I'll be fine."

"Or I can help-"

"Do you even have your suit?"

"No," Astrid frowned, "But that's only cause I didn't anticipate there being any bad water guys."

"Yeah, this is definitely new for me too so if you could please help me out by helping me keep my secret identity?"

Astrid rolled her eyes, but still listened, quick to go to the rest of her friends with Ned, trying to usher them away and to a safe spot.

"What about Peter?!"

"He'll be fine!" Astrid was quick to reassure Harley, "He's just helping get other people safe."

"What? Like he could do anything to help anyone?" Brad scoffed.

"Oh, you'd be surprised."

written: October 14, 2019
posted: FEBRUARY 17, 2020

John Ambrose McClaren... that is all.

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