"That's alright I definitely deserved it," he says and looks at the pink are sling and the white brace. "It's fine it doesn't hurt," I lie and this makes him smile more. He's so beautiful..

"Um so, dinner? It will be ready in about a hour," he says glancing into my house. Was I supposed to invite him in? I nod a little.

"You could come to mine now so you dont have to walk there alone?" He says and he looks nervous a little. Ahhhh! I'm going to his house for food! Hhhhhh! I try to look cool and calm.

"Yeah um, come is as I grab my shoes and jacket," I say letting him in and shutting the door behind him. I feet rainbow socks. Ugh he must know I'm gay now. Just look at me I'm pink! Ahhhh.

Vic follows me to my room like a lost puppy.  Ah! He's going to see my girly room! My heart races as I open my door and walk in. My eyes scan the place making sure I dont have anything embarrassing out. Nope.

"Wow your room is so... pretty," he says looking around.  I smile and put on my black converse. "By the way I- I wasn't spying on you.. I just liked the music you blast and uh it was quite a show you put on, it was hard to look away," he says smirks at the end.

My face heats up and my stomach flips around. I cant tie my shoes with only one hand... fucking hell. Vic looks at me and then he gets on his knees in front of me making my face go completely red. Panic rises in me and then he starts tying my shoes.

Omg kellin what the fuck is wrong with you!? He isn't gay. At all! He wasn't and wont ever get on his knees in that way. He looks up at me and I almost die at his sexy he is. Kill me.

Please dont get turned on for something so silly kellin. I look away and he gets up. "Thanks," I mumble and grab my jacket. I put one arm through and roll my eyes. Why is every thing so difficult?

Vic is looking at the problem I'm having. He takes a step forward and starts undoing my sling very carefully. Once it's off I try to straighten my arm but pain shots from my elbow to my wrist I gasp and shut my eyes.

Ouch, fuck, dame, hhhh, this hurts so bad. Vic helps me put my jacket on slowly and carefully and then helps with the sling. He's concentrating on everything and it's so hot. He's so careful and caring.

"Do you want me to zip it up?" He asks. I nod and bit my lip when his hands are at the from of my crotch. He doesn't see because he's to busy hooking it together and then rather slowly zips it up. Probably just making sure he doesn't hurt me.

I look at the pink sling, why did I get pink?? It should be black so people don't think I'm girly. "Did you take pain medicine?" He says and I nod my head yes.

Wow I've lied twice to him already. We go downstairs and I almost slip and grab the closest thing to me, vic. Oops, he doesn't look like he minded he just put his hand in front of me to stop me from falling forward. 

We walk to his door and I bit my lip, I'm meeting his parents and brother! Kill me I'm freaking out inside. He walks me inside and I see a short lady with black hair cooking in the kitchen. His dad is on the couch reading a news paper.

"Dinner is being slow so it might take longer that thought how about you go upstairs and I'll call you when its ready," the lady says. Gosh this is like everything fanfic.  I bet he has band posters on his walls. I look around the house before having to go upstairs and I see lots of family pictures hanging on the wall.

"Okay ma," vic says and we go upstairs. He leads me into his room and like I suspect he has band posters and a neat room. I look out his window to see into my window. Jeez I can see more into my room than I can see into his.

His walls are painted gray and his bed is black blankets and red sheets. Sexy.. i look at his black dresser and look around a bit. Its really.. goth looking. I like it.

"Um I just realized that I dont know your name," he says and my heart kinda hurts. "Kellin," I say and he smiles. "I'm Vic, you were in one of my class last year once right?" He says and I'm happy that he actually remembers me.

Well, kinda.

"Yeah I think," I say and sit at the foot off his bed and he gets on the head of his bed and crosses his legs. An awkward silence falls into the room. This doesn't happen often in fanfic's. I'm bored..

Like I dont want to look or talk to vic because I don't know what to say. We don't have history so I cant bring up something we both have experienced and I dont want to ask questions because then he'll ask questions about me.

I look at his poster for my chemical romance. I guess that will do. "What's your favorite My Chemical Romance song?" I ask and look at him to see him fiddling with his shirt.

He smiles and looks at the poster then at me. "Teenagers, I could listen to that song on repeat forever." He pauses and then adds on, "yours?"

"Blood, I would usually say Teenagers but you picked it," I laugh and silence falls over us again.


Dinner was pretty normal, I got to meet his family and they seem lovely. Vic walked me home and left with only a little 'bye' I dont know what I expected. A hug bye? A kiss? I'm silly..

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