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Hello my amazing readers.
So chapter 21 is being postponed until I can manage to get it out.

Unfortunately, I have finally been caught up with the inescapable.

I woke up this morning feverish, and of course.
Turns out.
I am in fact, sick.
I can't focus on chapter 21 no matter what I do.
And I don't want to force the words out, or else writers block will also become a massive threat.

I should be bouncing back in a few days.
But for now, I am going to be focusing on getting better.
I do apologize the story is being put on hold.

I will make it up to everyone though.
As soon as I feel better, I will get chapter 21 up and I will make it long.
Just to make up for my current absence.
That, or I'll post two chapters in a day.

But that will only be when I'm no longer suffering from being sick, and I can function as a living human who isn't dying from a cold.

I hope you guys can understand, and thank you for being patient.


[Oh and by the way, that cutie in the photo above is how our Monty Reese is being described on how to look. You're welcome. <3.]

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