
17 1 0

//HEY YOU WILD READERS, this chapter contains that lovely NSFW, so if you're not into the hot stuff. I don't believe this chapter is for you, BUT if you're that curious reader and want to know who gets hot. By all means, enjoy the ride.


I wasn't sure what happened.
But one minute, Monty was bravely talking to Jace.
The next?
Jace looked furious.
Carter caught onto his brothers expression rather fast.
Because he told us they needed to get going.
In other words.
He needed to get Jace somewhere, for the other to cool down.

When Monty returned to us.
He looked as clueless as ever.

"I guess hes not a Italian fan." He shrugged as Bryce looked at the other.
"Just what were you two even talking about? It looked like you set a fire under his ass." He told the other.
Monty blinked.
"Oh, that. I called him a cute geek again and he tried arguing, but I just waved his attitude off as him being flustered by the truth." He said.

I wanted to face palm.
But Bryce already beat me to it.

"So what, are you into him now or something?" He questioned.
Monty shrugged again.
"I don't know, I mean. He's cute with a temper, but I wouldn't say just yet that I'm into him." He answered.
I frowned softly.
"What about Emberly? Are you into her?" I asked him now.

Monty studied me for a moment.
"Are you two trying to ship me with these guys? You're being pushy about my love life, its kind of gross." He said heading to Bryce's jeep.

"You dodged the question about Em, do you or not?" I pushed getting in the front.
Monty groaned.
"Again, I don't know Lex! She's cute, he's cute. They're both cute! But I'm not fixing to have a threesome with them to figure out who I like more. So, can we chill about the subject, please?" He whined.

Bryce cleared his throat before leaving out of the parking lot.
"So, it looks like its going to rain again." He said awkwardly trying to ignore the fuming teenager in the backseat of the jeep.
This felt like a parent trap, and me and Bryce were Monty's parents.
Trying to understand his crush, like pushy parents would do when their kid hinted they liked someone.
And because of us being pushy, Monty was sulking about it.

I nodded looking out the window.
"Yeah, I wonder if it'll get just as bad as the other time when we had a sleepover." I said now.
"That's it!" Bryce nearly slammed on his breaks at Monty's sudden outburst.
Bryce pulled over as he whipped around with a death glare.
"Dear god, what is it?" He demanded.

Monty looked at us.
"Another sleepover! You can invite your boy toy Carter-"
"Don't call him that." I hissed.
"And I can convince Jace to come as well, and we can all hang out including Emberly and Sage, oh and Bryce." He added Bryce last just for the other to glare at him.
"Thanks for actually adding me." He spat.

"So this is for you to figure out who you actually like?" I asked rubbing my temples.
Monty nodded.
"Its easier and simpler, that way we're all in the same room and I can try bonding to see who I'd be more interested in." He declared.
Bryce's jaw ticked.
"What happens if they actually don't like you like that, Monty? Then its a whole waste of your time and emotions." He pointed out.

I turned around to face the other.
"Bryce is right, Monty. What if you're getting too ahead of yourself about this? I mean yeah, you and Em kissed and flirted. But what have you and Jace done, that would indicate that he actually likes you?" I asked him.

I watched the excitement die down in Monty's eyes.
"Can you drop me off at the cemetery?" He asked looking out the window.
"Kinda want to visit Hayes." He told Bryce.
"You want to go back to the place you got attacked?" He asked him.
"I guess if I'm asking you to drop me off there, just because I got attacked at the cemetery. Doesn't mean I'm going to stop going there to see my brothers stone." He argued.

Bryce inhaled some air.
"Lexi, help me out." He said now.
I frowned.
"Monty you're still recovering-"
"From a fucking animal attack, yeah I know!" He opened the door as he glared at both of us.
"I really wish you guys would chill about that shit, I'm fine okay?" He snapped slamming the door as he stormed down the street, his hands shoved in his pockets.

Bryce glanced to me.
"Should we fight him to get him back in the jeep, or just follow?" He asked.
I watched Monty walk down the street.
"Neither, lets just give him some air Bryce. He clearly needs it." I told him.
Bryce nodded pulling out then driving by Monty who didn't dare to look our way.

I leaned back in my seat, frowning now.
Monty walked through the grass, heading up to the cemetery.
If Lexi or Sage had made the suggestion for a sleepover, everyone would of been all over it.
They wouldn't lecture them, or point out obvious things.
Because this was him, they had to question everything about his suggestion.
And break his heart while they were at it.

He knew he kissed Emberly last night because of it being a last minute thought, of him dying and not having his first kiss.
He was sixteen and never had his first kiss, but he was grateful that last nights wasn't sloppy.
And he'd never tell Emberly she was his first kiss.
Because then things turn awkward.
And he didn't need awkward.

He sighed as the clouds began to turn dark.
And of course, he didn't at all think about the weather that Bryce had pointed out earlier.
So he sort of just screwed himself on staying dry to get home.

He walked up to Hayes's gravestone, noticing the dry blood on the grass next to it as he frowned softly.

"Why?" Monty spun around to find Jace there, glaring at him.
"Why are you not angry at me?" He asked him.
Monty frowned.
"I keep asking myself that, but I keep coming up blank. I don't know why I'm not angry." He told him.
Jace stormed up to him.
"You should be furious, yelling at me to stay away or telling people. What is it with you and that human girl, being fucking kind? Its disgusting." He spat.

Monty looked to his brothers stone.
"For a moment, I thought I was going to die and I was actually alright with that." He answered quietly.
Jace glared at him.
"You're a human, you should be grateful to be alive."
"Why? So more of you can feed on us?" Monty shot at him.
Jace looked taken back for a moment.

Monty rolled his eyes for the first time at the other.
"Yeah, you're trying to lecture me about being grateful to be alive, but here you are also unable to actually back up that statement. Because that's all us humans are to you vampires, is food." He said with his arms crossed.

Jace glared softly.
"Not always." He said now.
Monty turned to him confused.
"Not always what?" He asked.
Jace frowned.
"Human's aren't always food to us, it comes off that way because we're vampires. But we can also feel that feeling you humans tend to feel, for each other."
"Did you literally just explain feelings to me but in your vampire way?" He asked the other.

Jace smirked now.
"I'm telling you dumb ass,"
"Not a dumb ass.." Monty said quietly.
"Shut up and listen." Jace growled before grabbing the others face and pressing his lips to the others.
Monty stood there wide eyed as Jace smirked amused.
"Vampires can like humans like how humans like vampires, I didn't attack you last night because I was snackish. I attacked you to get your attention." He told the other.

Monty blinked.
"You know, there were a lot more ways you could of got my attention, rather than biting me." He pointed out.
Jace thought for a moment then shrugged.
"Nah, I liked my idea better. Plus, I finally got to taste your blood."
Monty's face scrunched up.
"You're turning me off." He told him.
"But was it good?" He asked trying not to blush.
Jace grinned.
"It was disgusting and bitter." He teased.

Monty threw his hands up trying to walk away from the other, but Jace caught his hand stopping the other from walking as the thunder roared.
"I'm joking with you." Jace told the other.
Monty looked at him.
"I didn't know you were capable of jokes." He said.
Jace smirked.
"I am one of many surprises." He shrugged now.

Monty smiled softly now.
"There." Jace said now.
Monty looked at him.
"There?" He questioned confused.
"You finally smiled, you've looked like a depressed puppy today. But you smiled." Jace pointed out.
Monty blinked.
"Oh.. yeah, complicated life I guess?" He suggested.

Jace stepped up.
"Want to make it less complicated?" He asked him.
Monty went to question him, but only had lips back on his.
He felt a fast movement, and suddenly they were in the deep woods away from everything and everyone.

Jace kissed and bit at Monty's neck, immediately removing both of their shirts.
Monty tried his best not to moan but it slipped out as Jace sucked on his neck.
The heat coming off the other was overwhelming.
It was enough to get the other hot as well.

"Bite me." Monty told the other.
Jace stopped kissing as he looked at him confused for a moment.
"Bite you?" He asked.
Monty removed the bandage from his neck, the wound reopening as he nodded.
Jace's eyes turned black, but with warning this time.
He licked the others wound before biting into the same spot.

Monty let out a whimper but remained still as his hands went into Jace's soft hair.
Closing his eyes as he felt the others lips on his neck, pushing against his skin.

Jace removed his teeth as his bloodied lips pressed to Monty's.
He lifted the other up against the tree, grinding against the other as Monty wrapped his legs around the others waist.
Monty let his voice out as Jace growled finally tearing the others jeans down.
"Why do you have to be so damn cute?" He demanded.
Monty shrugged.
"Came with the genetics I guess." He answered.

Jace rolled his eyes as he tugged his own jeans down.
"I hope to everything you're not a screamer." Jace said pushing himself into the other.
Monty froze as nothing but pain consumed his body.
Tears burned his eyes as he cried out in pain now.

"Shh." Jace kissed the other thrusting into Monty who buried his face in the others shoulder, digging his nails into the others back.
"So he just walked away?" Sage questioned inside of the house.
Emberly walked over to us with coffee as she took a seat on the couch.
Bryce leaned back taking a drink of his coffee.
"Lexi said he needed air, so we just came here." He told her.
Sage glared.
"It looks like its going to storm, and you guys let our depressed cinnamon roll go walking around by himself? What happens if he gets attacked again?" She demanded.

Emberly frowned softly.
"Sage is right, what happens if something happens to him?" She asked now.
I frowned.
"I'll call and see if hes alright." I said pulling out my phone as I dialed the others number.

I sighed with relief.
"Monty, are-"
{"Hah just kidding, I'm not here right now. I'm either eating pizza, at the cemetery or being a lazy guy and sleeping. If you must, leave a message and I'll get back to you when I can. Alright, bye!"}
I scowled at the voicemail.

"We really need to get him to change his voicemail." I stated now.
"He didn't answer? Monty always answers." Sage argued now.
I blinked.
"Do you call him before you call us or something? Because as his first best friend, I'm offended he'd answer you guys first." I said now.
Bryce smirked now.
"Sounds like someones jealous." He said.
"Not jealous, just upset he answers all of Sage's calls."
"Lex, that's jealousy." Emberly grinned.

I jumped at the sound of my phone ringing.
"Oh thank god." I said relieved.

{"I'm sorry about earlier."} Came his voice, but he sounded like he was in pain.
My brows furrowed.
"What? Monty, no its fine. We were out of line, look if you want to have a sleepover this weekend. We can make it happen, but where are you? Are you okay, you sound like you're hurting." I said which got the trio's attention next to me.

I put him on speaker.
"Are you hurt?" Bryce demanded.
"Monty?" I questioned softly.
{"No dad, I'm not hurt. I just fell in a ditch because I'm a clumsy idiot, anyway. About the sleepover, my request still stands. Can I bring Jace?"} He asked.

I felt my chest tighten as I heard movement on the phone, as well as whispering.
"Are you with Jace right now, Monty?" I asked, dodging the question.
{"And if I am? What, does that mean no sleepover?"} He asked.

Sage frowned.
"Alright you salty lost child, listen here. We are worried fucking sick about you, the least you could do is hold back your beef with the parents." She spat now.
Sage glared at the phone.
{"I was talking to mama Lexi, not you. Stay out of the conversation, Bryce? That includes you, and Lexi? Take me off speaker."} Monty told me.

I frowned doing as he said as I brought the phone to my ear.
"Monty, whats going on?" I asked him.
{"Why would you try keeping it from me?"} Monty asked me now.
I frowned.
"Keep what?" I looked to the others as I walked outside as it began to mist.
{"Just you know, the fact that Jace was the one who attacked me last night."} He sounded annoyed.

I felt my blood run cold.
"He told you?"
{"No, I figured it out. He tried doing that eye thing on me this morning before anyone showed up, and for some reason it didn't work. But yeah no, I know everything. I just want to know why you lied."} He said.
I frowned deeply.
"I didn't lie to you Monty-"
{"You didn't lie?"} Monty laughed.
{"I'll ask you the same question I asked Jace today, but in a different way. If you didn't lie to me, what did you do?"} He questioned.

I frowned into the phone.
"I didn't want you to get hurt by finding out he attacked you, I knew you liked Jace." I said.
{"Yeah? Well its all fine and dandy now isn't it? Because instead of being a best friend like you're supposed to be, you tried covering it up so I wouldn't find out."} He said.

 I exhaled sharply.
"Monty, where are you?" I asked him.
{"I told you, I'm with Jace. Where else would I be?"} He asked.
"Here, with us!" I hissed.
{"So I'm just supposed to follow you around like a lost puppy for the next four years?"} He asked.
"Yes! Wait no, Monty. Listen to me-"
{"Yeah see, I don't want to listen. I want to get back to having sex, talk later. Love you."} He said before hanging up.
Monty stared at the phone in Jace's hand, lying on his clothes as he stared up at the other.
"How did you even do that?" He asked him.
Jace turned to the other with a devious grin.
"Control my voice? Oh its easy after centuries of practicing, and yours is so soft and cute it was actually fun, acting as you seeming like a dick." He tossed Monty's phone to him.
Monty held his phone as he frowned softly.
"Think she'll be mad?" He asked.

Jace rolled his eyes.
"Who gives a shit?" He got on his knees sitting in front of Monty.
"You need to stop letting those guys run over your life by telling you when and how to do things, or you'll end up being miserable and more and more at that gravestone of your brothers." He explained.
Monty frowned as Lexi began to call again.

Jace took the others phone away.
"Are you listening to me?" He asked.
Monty looked at the other.
"She'll figure out it wasn't me on the phone, Jace. I do want her and the others to grow to like you." He said.
Jace made a face.
"Don't do that, I don't need them to like me." He pressed his lips to the others.
"I just need you to." He said.

Monty smiled softly.
"So you're going to start being cute now?" He asked.
Jace smirked pinning the other down.
"Only for you, no one else gets to see me playful. No one deserves to see that, except you." He declared.
Monty stared up at the other.
"Why me though? What made you so interested?" He asked the other.

Jace looked at him with amusement.
"I enjoy you being clueless, like today. You knew I was the one who attacked you, yet you wanted to be friends and compliment me. Were you not worried that I could of killed you earlier?" He asked.
Monty thought for a moment.
"Part of me had a feeling you wouldn't kill me." He said now.
Jace smirked softly.
"Was the other part hoping to have sex with a vampire?" He asked.

Monty blushed.
"That wasn't on my mind until after you kissed me a second time." He confessed.
"Plus, I was thinking we would have done this in a room. I probably have stickers all in my back now." He whined.

Jace grinned turning the other over.
"Nope, nothing here. Just scratches and bite marks, which reminds me. In gym class, don't take your clothes off in front of anyone. They'll think you have a biting kink." He pointed out.

Monty looked at him.
"I don't know, I kind of like the feeling."
"Don't tell me that." Jace actually laughed shaking his head.
"Never tell a vampire you like being bit by them." He told the other.
Monty looked at him confused.

"Why not?" He asked.
Jace's lips curled into a smirk.
"Because then it makes me want to eat you." He confessed.
Monty's face burned.
"Wait.. as in the sexual way or-"
"The sexual way, Jesus Monty." Jace looked at him.

Monty raised his hands in defense.
"I never know if vampires become cannibals or not." He defended.
Jace sighed.
"No, those are zombies Monty, I would never attempt to eat you in that way." He told him.
Monty nodded.
"However," Jace smirked now.
"If I end up getting bored of you, I may have to kill you in the end." He confessed.

Monty stared at him then smiled softly.
"Alright, that's fair." He said closing his eyes.

"Would you ever think about turning me?" Monty asked with his eyes closed, not wanting to look at the others expression from the question.
Jace looked down as he slid his shirt over his head.
"I don't know, why?" He asked him.

Monty sat up now, frowning.
"Its just a thought, you never age-"
"People hunt and kill us like animals, Monty." Jace argued now.
"I would never want them to hurt you, you're too important to me right now." He told him.

Monty stared at him.
"What is it?" Jace frowned.

"That is the most gayest shit I've ever been told." He said with a laugh.
"Oh fuck you!" Jace shoved him with a smirk.

Monty grinned knowing, he could probably get used to this.

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