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//WARNING:: This chapter contains mentions of overdose, readers be advised.\\

"Dad, I can explain--" I tried as he pushed me into our house, slamming the door behind him, which triggered mom to run into the hall now.
"What's going on?" She asked with her hair half done up in curl pins.
Dad frowned deeply at me.
"Lexi lied to us." He said now.
Mom turned to me with furrowed brows.
"You what?" She asked.

"I wouldn't say, I lied." I said trying to defend myself.
"You don't think you lied? Lexi, you told us you were going to Claire's!" He yelled now.
I flinched.
"I was at Claire's! You can call her mom, we finished up studying early and Jordan invited us to that party!" I cried now.
Dad shook his head frowning at me.
"You didn't even stop to think about calling and making sure, we were okay with you going to the place, where those kids were killed?" He demanded.

"Jesus dad, what do you want me to say? That I'm sorry?" I asked him now.
Dad frowned deeply at me.
"I thought we raised you better than this, what changed you? Last year, my little girl was honest and didn't keep things from her parents. Now, shes out partying and lying to us."
"I didn't lie!" I yelled at him.
The room fell silent.
Tears burned my eyes.

"I am a teenager, its our job to rebel against you guys. But I did not lie to you, when Claire invited me over to study. I meant what I said, we did study but then Jordan called her, none of the kids even knew a murder happened there. Because they don't watch the news like an old person!" I said bitterly now.

Mom pinched the bridge of her nose as dad scoffed.
"Well, I was going to let it go, but because you decided to be bold with a remark like that? You're grounded." He told me.
My eyes grew wide.
"G-Grounded? You can't be serious!"
"Oh I assure you," he used his finger to circle around his stern face.
"I am very serious, Lexi. You will go to school, and you will come home. No hanging out with your friends, until your two weeks are up. Am I understood?" He asked me now.

I glared harshly at the ground.
"Alexis." Dad said now.
I looked at him with tears burning my eyes.
"I understand." I told him.

We stood in silence for a good minute, before I wiped my eyes.
"Can I go now? I'd like to start my grounding tonight, if you don't mind." I told him.
Dad frowned at me.
"Yeah, we're done here." He said.

I shook my head in disbelief as I walked into my room, slamming the door behind me.
I leaned against the door, as I ran my fingers through the front of my hair.
Groaning now as I slid down the door, burying my face in my knees.

I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket, removing it I pulled open the text messages.
There was one from Monty, Claire, Sage and Bryce.
Sighing softly I got to my feet, walking over to my bed as I pulled out my journal.

Diary Entry 28.
Date: September 27th, 2018.

"Nothing good came out of today, for starters Gabriel got seriously injured tonight at the party Jordan decided to throw, where the same accident happened a few nights ago. The thing that I saw clear as day, were the bite marks on his neck. I know everyone has been poking fun at the idea of calling it vampire attacks, but what if it really was vampires that were doing this? What if they actually exist, and they're able to fit in with everyone else..? I sound like a crazy person, it wasn't possible. The other bad thing that happened today was, I got grounded. Yup, Lexi Grimes the good girl upset her dad, and now I'm paying the price for it. Its only two weeks, but I already know. Its going to be hell.
Until then.

I shut my journal.
Laying back against my pillows as I pulled my text messages up.

[Monty]: heard about wat happened 2nite. That suxs about gabriel, no 1 saw wat attacked him, but my moms saying the police will cover it up. R u ok tho?
I frowned softly at the message, that was what everyone would be talking about for the next two weeks, was the football player getting attacked.
[Lexi]: Yeah, it does suck. What sucks even more is the fact, I'm grounded. :/
[Monty]: No fukin way! *eye emoji* u got grounded? How did that happen?
[Lexi]: I'll fill you in on the way to school tomorrow, okay?"
[Monty]: Ya that's fine, c u n the mornin! Nite.
[Lexi]: Night.

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