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"He kissed you?" Sage practically squealed inside of my room.
More awake than she was earlier.
I brought my finger to my lips.
"Hush, do you want Bryce to hear you?" I demanded.
"Why does it matter if Bryce hears me?" She asked.
"Because he'll give me so much hell, if he finds out Carter kissed me." I told her.
Sage rolled her eyes.
"The silent bad boy shows interest in the schools butterfly, he'll get over it." She brought her knees to her chest as she smiled wide.
"So what caused him to even kiss you? And did you kiss back?" She asked.

I sat there, falling back to an hour ago.

Carter stepped back.
"Sorry, I shouldn't of done that." He said frowning.
I shook my head, actually awake now as I forced a shy smile.
"No, its fine.. It just threw me off." I confessed.

Carter made a face.
"I can take it back if you want?" He offered.
I blinked.
"How do you take a kiss back?" I asked.

He smirked softly, leaning in and kissing me again.
This time I blushed.
"Oh, that was smooth." I told him with an impressed grin.
He grinned.
"I'm sorry, I'd offer to take that one back as well, but kissing can get tiring." He explained.
I smiled softly.
"I'm guessing you have experience with kissing girls?" I asked.
He froze then frowned.
"Sorry." He said now.
I shook my head as my arms crossed.

"Nope, don't apologize. I'd rather not let that make things awkward, I shouldn't of said it like that." I told him.
Carter ran a hand through his hair.
"It kind of feels awkward." He confessed.
"Does it?" I questioned.
He nodded.
I blushed now.
"Sorry.." I murmured now.

He chuckled.
"It's fine, but no. I don't have much experience with kissing girls, I just read up on tips from the internet." He told me now.
I arched a brow.
"You look at kissing tips from the internet?" I questioned.
"Is that weird?" He winced.
"Its very weird." I laughed as he smiled softly.

We stood in front of each other for a moment as the wind blew against us.
"I should probably head home, I never did make that call to let my family know I'd be over this late." He told me.
I nodded motioning for us to head inside.
"Yeah no, that's fine. Thanks for even showing up, the guys got to know a little more about you." I said walking him to the door as he grabbed his coat.

He smiled softly.
"And I learned Bryce is a major Saw fan, does he own the movies?" He asked standing at the door.
I smiled softly now.
"He doesn't, I'm sure he'd go nuts and you'd never see him again if he did." I told him.
"Hm, well now that's tempting." He joked.
I grinned wide.
"Hey, be nice. Bryce was nice tonight." I told him.

He grinned as well.
"He was, but I'll see you on Monday. I'm sure you're going to spend time with your friends today." He told me.
I shrugged.
"You can always stop by, I think my parents like you." I said.
He smirked.
"Well that's a relief." He dipped down, kissing me again.
"Goodnight, Lexi." He said.
I smiled at him.

"Goodnight, Carter." I said closing the door, locking it as I turned around with a giant smile plastered on my face.

I smiled at Sage.
"He took the lead each time." I told her now.
Her eyes grew wide.
"So there was more than one kiss?" She asked.
I nodded as she grinned.
"Wow! Lexi Grimes actually being forward with her feelings, do you think he'll ask you out?" She questioned.
I shrugged now.
"I don't know, I don't want to push anything. Just because we kissed a few times, doesn't mean he'll want to actually date me. Plus, then he'd have to deal with you weirdos." I told her.

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