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There was no sound.
No movement.

Everyone's eyes were on the body on the floor.
Lying there.
No longer moving.
No longer breathing.
No longer existing.

"MONTY!" Sage practically screamed, tears streaming down her cheeks as time began to move forward and Jace was tackling Joshua to the floor.
Punching and digging into the other.

Sage backed herself to the wall as other vampires ran into the room now.
None were recognizable, except for Amy.
Who stood there looking shocked.
"What happened?" This blond haired, blue eyed vampire demanded storming over to Monty's body.
He knelt down, feeling for a pulse.

"You won't feel shit, Devin. Joshua snapped his neck." Sterling informed the other.
Devin whipped around to the fight on the floor.
"ENOUGH!" He yelled at them, glaring harshly as two other male vampires ran out.
Ripping Jace off Joshua who was grinning from ear to ear.
"Aw, don't end our fun so soon. Devin!" He smirked.

Devin glared.
"If Luther or Irina come down, it won't end well for any of us." He growled.
Jace stood there, his eyes wide as he looked down to Monty.
"Why?" He asked now.
Everyone looked to Jace.
Joshua smirked.
"Why? Why not? He'll wake up any minute now an-"
"No! I didn't want this life for him, he doesn't need this life!" Jace yelled as his eyes turned black.

Joshua shrugged.
"I honestly don't give two shits what you want Jace, honestly? I hope you two suffer together." He said now.
Jace shook his head.
"No. He won't feed, I won't let him." He growled.
Joshua arched a brow.
"And then he'll die, another death on your hands. Are you really that heartless, you'll let someone innocent die.. oh wait, I'm sorry." He smirked.
"Die a second time is what I meant, seeming that I killed him the first time." He stated now.

Jace was shaking before his eyes fell on Sage now.
"I told you not to come here!" He yelled at her as she flinched.
"Because of you, bec-"
"Jace, no." Sterling was in front of him frowning.
"Joshua used compulsion to lure her here with Monty, she had no intentions of coming here. That much I can say." He told him.
Jace glared.
"Oh, how fucking relieving. Why the fuck Monty then?!" He yelled in pure rage.

"Its simple, my sweet idiotic at times faggot." Joshua sung.
"Its because you liked him, and I can't have that." He grinned.
"I mean, you took someone away from all of us. Whats the harm of doing the same to you? Its only fair right?" He asked.
Sterling looked to him then to Jace.

"Jace, Monty will be transitioning into a vampire shortly. We both know there's no stopping that now, not now that its done. And the only way to keep him from becoming one, is by death. Because if he doesn't feed, he'll rot from the inside out until he's nothing. Do you honestly want that?" He asked the other.
Jace's eyes began to burn.

"I don't want this life for him." He whispered low enough for only Sterling to hear.
"But I don't want him to die either, Sterling. I can't lose him." He said.
Sterling inhaled sharply then turned to the others.

"Monty will become one of us, and we will welcome him with open arms. No one will treat him as they treat Jace, he is not the enemy here. He is just an innocent boy who walked in here blind, unaware of what could of happened. If anyone hurts or bullies him, they will answer to me. Am I clear?" He questioned the ones in the room.

Everyone nodded in agreement.
Devin looked to Sterling.
"What about his living arrangements? Would it be safe for him to remain in a household with humans?" He asked the other.
Sterling looked to Monty frowning.
"That's hard to say, its still taking time for us to control our thirst. He'll be a fresh blood, so I can't say it'll be a smart move for him to live among humans. Not until his thirst is controlled." He said now.

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