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His hands are settled onto either side of my waist, his taller figure smoothly swaying against mine. Dancing to the soft music by the small huddle of violin players, at our Reception, I don't think I've gained the slightest thought to tear my gaze away from Rio's.

And the curiosity eats up at me. "So where is this honeymoon going to take place?" I ask, my arms snaked around his shoulders.

I catch the sight of my husband's full lips quirk up immensely, as if he can't help himself. "Still curious about it, huh?" He responds huskily, and I roll my eyes.

"C'mon ma, you're the one that wanted it to be a surprise." He remarks, truthfully. Against the gangster, I wrinkle my nose.

"Right, but it's eating up at me." I fail miserably at suppressing a smile. "Guess I'm too excited, that's all."

My husband smirks. "You should be."

I feel my cheeks heat up, as I peer up on my tiptoes to peck his lips. Rio returns the passionate kiss - pulling me a tad bit closer with his own hands.

"I love you," he states; I feel his warm breath hit my pink lips. The pumping blood in my heart pulsates, as my teeth tug at my bottom lip. But before I can part my lips to tell him I love him too, a mischievous grin surfaces upon Rio's face. "But you're gonna have to wait for that surprise, Mrs. Cortez."

And the grin fails to be hidden yet again, when I release a mere groan. I then glide my hands to the gangster's tattooed neck, before leaning up to press my lips on his once again. "I can do that. And I love you, too." I finally say.


After dances for slow songs, and fast, the big day is still going epic. Everyone is now settled in their seats at the round dining tables within the Reception building - some coming back from the snack table as they wait for the wedding cake to be cut, others still coming back inside from dancing or watching the live music.

All I'm seeing are smiles; it's building up on the content feeling inside my chest. By far, this is the most greatest day of my life.

As I make my way to the mic and small stage inside the vast building, a gentle tug at my dress causes me to glimpse back. My niece's brown irises are now steadied on mine. I smile.

"You did a great job with those rings." I compliment, sending a wink. "I knew you weren't as clumsy as your mother makes you out to be." Just then, Ann makes her way over to us. My sister stops right next to her daughter's side, resting a hand on her short shoulder.

"And you," I smile meeting my sister's gaze, "you did spectacular, Ann. The wedding, the reception... I can't thank you enough."

Ann forms a small smile, going to pull me in for a hug. "It was my pleasure, sis. All I ask for in return, low key, is a fat piece of that cake." She murmurs when I wrap my arms around her. I laugh, "I had intended on it. And speaking of..." I release her.

"That's actually what I was on my way to do." I point over my shoulder. "Gotta gather everyone around for the cake, mind calling in the ones outside?" I ask - just before the lulling scent of Rio's light cologne washes over me, and I find him by my side.

He smiles at me while he slips his arm around my waist, pulling me against him. And when my back soon faces my sister and her daughter, Abby's voice starts from behind me.

"You two have matching tattoos!" She remarks cheerfully, instantly earning my awed smile. I turn around to fixate on her eyes.
"We do!" I tell her. "I got it the very night he proposed to me."

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