Chapter 8: A First for Everything

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Having fallen asleep rather easily the night before, Natasha had secured herself yet another solid night's sleep. A feeling she was growing used to upon waking up. This particular morning, she awoke to soft wails. Rousing slowly from her slumber, the redhead took but a moment or two to realise the crying before she would immediately part from the comfortable, warm bed in which Bruce remained sleeping. "It's okay, everything's alright." Natasha soothed quietly as she approached the crib, her eyes just about half-opened. 

Vinny's little hands were balled into fists, his little legs kicking beneath his blanket whilst his arms thrashed with little coordination. His face was screwed up with his cries, face red with the sheer force of his cries. Scooping her arms beneath him, Natasha brought Vinny to her chest, beginning the light bouncing that had become so natural to her. All with aim of getting him to quieten. "You'll wake Bruce." She spoke softly, picking up a pacifier from his crib in order to put it in his mouth. It took Vinny a few moments to accept the silicone replacement, buying Nat enough time to get to the kitchen to prepare his first bottle of the day. Natasha poured the water into the bottle up to the correct ounce, before adding the powder as allocated. She placed the cap on the top with a single hand before picking it up to shake, mixing it thoroughly despite the heat radiating from the plastic, flush against her hand. 

Filling a bowl with some cold water, Natasha set the hot bottle inside in order to cool it down as quick as possible. "We've really godda invest in one of those bottle makers, hm?" She cooed, continuing to bounce the infant to settle him. The doctor had of course woken at Vinny's cries, though was more than happy to give Natasha full freedom intending for the baby. She was doing a lot better than she gave herself credit for.

"You're getting a knack for that." Bruce smiled as he walked out of the bedroom, pulling on a shirt in the process, Natasha turned to face him. A smile quite easily grew.

"Good morning." She greeted, picking up the bottle from the water to shake. She could tell just by the heat radiating from the bottle that it was still far too hot. "I think we should take him on a walk today." She spoke, looking down to Vinny who nursed contentedly (so far) on his pacifier. "I want to get him one of those machines that prep the bottle at the right temperature. Just to stop him from waiting so long." The redhead added, to which Bruce nodded.

"Sounds like a good idea." He nodded, rubbing the stubble that had already begun to grow along his jaw.

"If you want to head to your room to shower and stuff, we'll be fine in here," Natasha suggested, her green eyes settled on the man before her. "I can come and get you before we head off?" She added, Bruce, giving a soft nod. His surprise was painfully obvious, as well as how much he was impressed by the woman voluntarily willing to be on her own with the infant. 

"Okay. Alright, I won't be long." Bruce promised, getting the few belongings together that he had before he would head off to his room.

"Just you and me now, bud." The redhead cooed. In the time Bruce took to get himself presentable, Natasha had fed and changed Vinny into the chosen outfit for the day. Little black pants with a dark purple woolly sweater to keep him warm. "Aren't you so handsome?" She smiled, combing his red curls. At that moment, it was simply just to free any tangles from his hair. It seemed as though the locks wouldn't be tamed. 

Settling Vinny in his crib, Natasha went about setting up his stroller. Favouring the carriage to be facing her so she could keep an eye on Vinny at all times, as well as keep the wind away from him. Putting a blanket in the seat, she freed the straps before returning to Vinny. Picking him up and bringing him over to the couch. "We're gonna see so much on our walk, hm?" She spoke quietly, carefully dressing Vinny in his coat. With him all set, she settled the little redheaded boy in the seat of his stroller. Ensuring all of his limbs were in the correct position, she clipped him in before setting another blanket over his legs and around his waist, tucking it down the edges.

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