Chapter 18: Introduction

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"She's beautiful."

"She is your daughter."

"You can take half the credit, at least." Natasha smiled up to Bruce, able to tear her gentle gaze from the soft face of their newborn daughter whilst she nursed from her mother. The redhead had wept tears of sheer joy following their daughter's birth. Bruce himself had certainly shed a few. Their daughter was living proof of a miracle. Of each obstacle, they had overcome to achieve their family. "Vinny's gonna be beside himself when he finds out," Natasha added, her eyes falling back to their little girl.

"I'll go back to the house and get him when you're rested." Bruce voiced from his seat on the bed beside her. "He'll want to meet her as soon as he finds out."

"I feel fine." Natasha nodded. "Really."

"Its almost 3am." Bruce chuckled lowly. "I'll head back in normal morning hours. At least then I can give him breakfast before he comes here." He smiled, reaching forward to brush a stray strand of red hair from her cheek. "You did so well."

Closing her eyes, Natasha leaned more into his palm. "I feel like it went so fast." She spoke, an easy smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "It hurt though."

"Worst pain you've ever felt?" Bruce asked through sheer curiosity.

"No." Natasha shook her head with a slight huff of laughter. Lifting her hand, she stroked her fingertip against the soft, round cheek of their baby. Natasha made a silent vow that she would never allow Nessy to experience anything like she had.

"I'm sorry-"

"Don't." Nat spoke. "Don't be." She met his eyes with a kind gaze. "That was... it was a different life. Now I got this one. I got you, and Vinny and our little girl." She smiled, guiding him toward her to press a soft kiss to his lips. "I think she's all finished. Did you wanna burp her?"

"All three of us have you, too." Bruce smiled, giving her thigh a gentle squeeze. Without her, he wouldn't have anything as rich as family. "Of course." He nodded eagerly, carefully receiving Nessy from her mother. "Hey, little one." He cooed, slowly adjusting her to be able to pat her free of wind while Nat fixed herself up.

"Look at all that hair. There's no denying she's a brunette." Natasha smiled, reclining gradually against her pillows.

"Lets hope she has your eyes." Bruce voiced, smiling up to Natasha. The redhead picked his phone up from the bed to snap a few pictures of the moment. There was no denying Bruce had taken a fair few of Nat and Ness both together and apart.

"No, I think she'll look like her papa." Natasha smiled, carefully adjusting herself to be laying back.

"Poor kid." Bruce smiled humorously, earning a gentle kick from Nat beneath the sheets. With Nessy burped and snoozing in his arms, Bruce moved to sit more beside Natasha, wrapping an arm around the woman to draw her into his side. "Try and get some rest."

"Really, I'm not tired."

"Try, for Nessy." Bruce spoke softly, stroking his hand across her waist. "The experts say when she sleeps, you should try too."

"Mhm." Natasha hummed, eyes closed as she nuzzled some into his chest. Bruce maintained a content expression, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. It was within the next few minutes that Natasha did in fact fall asleep. Bruce knew enough to know child birth was easily one of the most - if not the most - physically taxing activities.

After thoroughly enjoying a cuddle with his newborn daughter, Bruce carefully sat himself up to transport and settle Nessy in the portable crib. Tucked up in her blanket, Nessy quietly dozed after receiving a belly full of milk. Bruce returned to Natasha's side to get a few hours of sleep himself before returning to the house and retrieve Vinny.

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