Chapter 25: Endgame - Part 2

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"It's a long way from Budapest." Clint smiled over to Natasha as their ship surged through its jump point. The redhead gazed over at him with a soft laugh, shaking her head some as she gazed ahead. They certainly had come far. From a mission to dispatch her, to years ahead on a mission to save half the universe.

The ship lands at the bottom of the large mountain on Vormir. The pair cautiously step out of the Benatar, gazing up at the climb ahead. "Wow," Clint murmured. "Under different circumstances... this would be totally awesome." He spoke, beginning the climb.

"I bet the raccoon didn't have the climb a mountain," Natasha complained, the pair nearing the very top.

"Technically, he's not a raccoon, y'know?" Clint probed.

"Whatever. He eats garbage." Natasha grumbled in fashion with their usual playful squabbles.

"Welcome." A voice sounded ahead of them, causing both Nat and Clint to draw their weapons, aimed directly for the floating figure ahead. They had been expecting Thanos... not whatever... that, was.

"Natasha, daughter of Ivan. Clint, son of Edith."

"Who are you?" Natasha demanded, gun aimed for the being's head.

"Consider me a guide." The Red Skull spoke. To you, and to all who seek the soul stone."

"Oh, good. You can tell us where it is, then we can be on our way." Natasha prompted.

"Ah, liebchen. If only it were that easy." The figure lead them to the top of the mountain, a flat surface leading to a ledge flanked by two naturally occurring pillars. Reminiscent of some kind of ancient sacrificial ground. The pair gazed cautiously off of the edge, the drop was sheer, with stone making up the ground. "What you seek lies in front of you... as does what you fear."

"The stone is down there," Natasha mentioned, looking at Clint.

"For one of you." The Red Skull confirmed. "For the other... In order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love. An everlasting exchange. A soul, for a soul." He revealed the condition that the stone had.

Natasha had resigned to sitting on a nearby log, hands clasped together with her chin sat atop them, gazing absently at the ground. Memories of Vinny... of Nessy... they played constantly. They were so close. She was so close to being able to bring them back.

"How's it going?" Clint waved to a less than amused Red Skull. "Jesus... Maybe he's making this shit up." He theorised.

"No... I don't think so." Natasha answered absently.

"Why? Cos he knows your daddy's name?" Clint asked.

"I didn't," Natasha admitted, her green eyes finding Clint's blue ones. Clint of course knew of her family situation. Even right down to Yelena. "Thanos left here with the stone, without his daughter. It's not a coincidence."

"Yeah." Clint agreed with a slight sigh.

"Whatever it takes."

"Whatever it takes."

"If we don't get that stone," Natasha spoke, raising to her feet. "Billions of people stay dead. Our children..."

"Then I guess we both know who it's godda be." Clint nodded.

"I guess we do."

Natasha stretched out her hand to take a hold of Clint's, managing a gentle smile as she gazed up at him. "I'm starting to think... we mean different people here, Natasha."

"For the last five years I've been trying to do one thing: Get to right here. That's all it's been about. Bringing them back." Nat told him, such passion held in her voice. But it wasn't enough to mask the fear Clint was still able to detect. He knew exactly who the "them" were in this situation.

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