Chapter 5: Strange

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The day began with an unusual start. Crying. Bruce felt the entire bed jerk with Natasha's determination to be out as soon as possible. He sat up, not as near as quick, staring over at the mother with her wailing child. "What's wrong with him? He doesn't usually cry." Natasha spoke, her voice panicked, desperate-sounding.

"Try not to worry, he'll pick up on your emotions. Just keep cradling him, I'll go make a bottle. He might just be hungry." Bruce tried his best to assure her whilst he went to make the bottle. He decided to microwave this one, rather than allow it to cool gradually. This way would be much quicker, and he could keep the temperature to the way they needed it immediately. 

Across from the little kitchenette, Natasha paced slowly around the room, the infant held close to her chest whilst she slowly bounced him, pressing her lips to the top of his head. Her green eyes locked onto Bruce, watching him speedily prepare the bottle and heat it in the microwave. "It's okay," Natasha whispered, peeling her eyes away from Bruce only for a moment, peering down to Vinny's face. "We're here, it's alright." The redhead soothed, looking back to the doctor to notice he was making their way back to them.

Natasha set Vinny in his usual feeding position, on his back. She took the bottle with a short "thanks" before putting the clear nipple of the bottle to the infant, only to have him not respond. Bruce frowned, looking over the infant. The kicking legs. Throwing of the arms. Scrunched face... "Nat, pass him over," Bruce said, the first time he had been more authoritative in his tone. Natasha handed Vinny over without a second thought, biting the tip of her thumb whilst she watched Bruce move to the bed, sitting with Vinny cradled in his lap, rubbing his stomach soothingly.

After a small while, Vinny began to settle, Natasha sat beside Bruce, looming over a little to watch Vinny. "What was wrong?" She asked, peering up at him briefly. Vinny sucked contently at his fingers, staring up at the two adults.

"He has colic. There's not a whole lot we can do, it's just from the milk. Rubbing his stomach just gives a little relief from the pain. When I was in Asia... I saw it a lot with babies that came into the clinic, you have no idea how much a little gesture like this helped so many women.." Bruce spoke quietly, and solemnly. 

Natasha watched his face quietly whilst he spoke, looking down at the infant once more. She soon laid her head against Bruce's shoulder, her green gaze settled down on Vinny, Bruce still rubbing his tiny tummy. "I feel like I have some idea what you mean." She said quietly, passing a quiet sigh.

Natasha was the first to get ready, making Vinny a little bubble bath inside his tiny baby tub. She brought it to the little living room, setting his towels and an outfit beside it, along with a new diaper and some talc. She passed a gentle smile to Bruce, receiving Vinny and a smile in return. She began to undress the infant. "You're gonna get a lovely bubble bath, hm?" Natasha spoke quietly to Vinny, a smile remaining on her face. "Wash your little carrot top." She smiled, fiddling with his red curls. Vinny could only gaze up at her with his gummy grin, Natasha carefully set him in the shallow, yet bubbly water. "You're in for the full treatment. We need to give you a manicure, pedicure.. maybe a little massage.. hm?" Nat smiled down at the infant who laughed and gurgled.

Bruce could hear them from his position in the bathroom. He smiled whilst he shaved. His stubble was getting a little out of hand, and he figured he'd look a little cleaner with it gone. He'd thought a few times to keep it.. he was just unsure whether or not it suited him. When he exited the bathroom, Nat was still sitting with Vinny in his little bath. He so decided to join them, sitting down cross-legged opposite Nat. "If it was okay with you.. I would like to take some blood samples from him... I would just like to study his DNA.. maybe I can find how the.. those scientists made him, and possibly why too.." Bruce asked, looking up to Nat who gave a gentle nod, meeting his eye.

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