Chapter 14: Stay

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"Everything looks as it should. I have no concerns."

"You're saying.. we can start trying?"

"Well, you've had a stereotypical menstrual cycle, hormone levels are to be expected. There's really no reason not to. No reason not to say it won't work, that is."

"So we start trying."

The same conversation ran through Natasha's mind as she dressed. Another emergency room visit. Stepping out of the consulting room, Bruce didn't miss the dejected expression on her face. The welling of tears in her eyes as she shook her head.

In the past few months they had been attempting to conceive, each success hadn't made it past the first trimester. "I don't know what's wrong with me." Natasha would confide in Bruce on the drive home, silent tears rolling across her cheeks.

"Nothing. Nothing is wrong with you." Bruce told her, he knew it as fact. Her entire reproductive system had been specifically designed for her. His own fertility testing had come back suboptimal, a direct result of the radiation, he was sure. But their few positive readings to date made him believe they were doing something right. Parking the car at the side of the road, Bruce unbuckled himself and opened up his arms to Natasha. Welcoming her into his hold to help ease her through her pain.

"I don't know how long I can keep trying." Natasha shook her head, speaking on the struggled breath she had taken. "It hurts too much." The physical pain... was nothing compared to the emotional and mental turmoil she was in. "This is the third one we've lost, Bruce. I can't."

"There's no rush, Nat," Bruce assured her, stroking a few locks of hair from her face. "We can take a break... I want you to be fully comfortable... fully ready." He spoke. He did well to shield his own disappointment. His own heartbreak. His fear of having to tell Vinny.

Bruce held onto Natasha for as long as she allowed. Eventually, the pair parked outside of their home, the drive dimly lit by the solar-powered stake lights Natasha had bought for the front lawn. The sun hadn't even begun to rise. Both parents found comfort in Vinny sleeping through the ordeal. "Go on up, I'll meet you there," Bruce spoke softly, guiding Natasha to the stairs.

Fortunately, Steve had been awake and had happily accepted watching over the house and ensuring Vinny would be okay in their absence. The former soldier softened his expression, blue eyes following Natasha until she was out of sight before he would quietly approach Bruce, arms lightly folded. Bruce pressed his lips together, managing a small shake of his head. "Not this time."

"I'm sorry." Steve's words were sincere, a hand moving to Bruce's back. "I have hope for you guys. Do you need anything?"

"Thanks... Nat's pretty beat up about it, I think she just needs a bit of space right now." Bruce nodded, keeping his voice low.

"Of course. Well, I'm not too far away. Just give me a call if you need anything." Steve spoke.

"Thank you. Thank you for coming." Bruce added gratefully as he walked his friend to the door, saying their goodbyes before locking up for the night. Bruce rubbed his face, releasing a steady exhale before making his way upstairs. Past the walls vacant of family pictures, wallpaper plain and dull. The house seemed that little extra gloomy. Peering into the master bedroom resulted in the bed coming up empty. A few feet down the hallway, and a turn to the right found Vinny's room. The boy was sound asleep in his bed with his mother beside him. Sobbing quietly into his red hair.

The sight was enough to break the doctor's heart. Even so, he wouldn't intrude. Subtly wiping a tear sitting beneath his eye, Bruce retreated down the hall and back down the stairs to his office. He wouldn't receive a wink of sleep that night. Only collapsing over his desk in exhaustion well after the sun had risen and the birds outside had begun to sing their morning song.

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