Chapter 17: Early

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"That's the bassinet set up. Anything else I can do for you?" Bruce spoke as he walked into the living room to a heavily pregnant Natasha reclined on the couch. No doubt allowing her back to rest. Vinny laid across the couch, head on her lap with one of the colourful books in hand while he read to his sister.

Natasha shook her head with a soft smile. "Thank you. I would have done it myself-"

"You're not doing anything. Anything that involves too much lifting or bending or... Anything like that." Bruce was insistent but gentle in his tone. "How are you both?"

"Well, I'm fine, but I'm pretty sure she's using my ribs as a jungle gym." Natasha carefully adjusted how she was sitting with a light smile. As much as she cherished each moment she was pregnant, she also couldn't wait until she wouldn't need to run to the bathroom every 3 minutes. "We still need to pick a name, you know. We're quickly running out of time." Natasha chuckled lightly. At 38 weeks, they had just 14 days until she was full term and expected to go into labour.

"I know, but no one tells you how hard it is to name a person. How do we pick the perfect name, for a perfect baby?" Bruce smiled. "We could look through the book of baby names again." He offered.

"And then Vanessa says 'And look! There's my magic hat!' The three best friends climbed the tree with purple leaves to get her hat back so they could bring back all the butterflies. The end.'"

Bruce and Natasha shared a similar look of interest. "What's that you're reading?" Bruce asked his son, moving to his knees beside them.

"It's called.. 'Where are all the Butterflies?' I thought she might like it." Vinny smiled, pressing a kiss to Natasha's closed bump before he would sit himself up. "Did she like it, momma?"

"I think she did. She was wriggling around all excited." Natasha told him with an easy smile. "What was that characters name?" She asked. "The one with the.. magic hat?"

"Oh, she's called Vanessa. She's very, very cool!" Vinny nodded.

"I like that name," Natasha confessed, looking to Bruce. She had been incredibly picky with girls names, only giving several half-hearted 'hm's and 'it's nice'. Bruce shared her agreement. They hadn't looked at the 'V' section of their book. "What do you think?" They both looked to Vinny. Their family dynamic meant each individual had their say before judgement was passed.

Vinny pressed his lips together and hummed, face reflecting serious concentration and consideration. "I like it!" He decided with a broad smile, laying a gentle hand over his mother's stomach. He snatched it away with a contagious giggle only moments after. "She kicked me!"

"I think she's telling you she likes it too." Natasha chuckled, her hand moving to the area to soothe the wriggling foetus. A relatively recent midwife appointment told her their baby had adopted an upside-down position, meaning she was preparing herself for birth. It resulted in sitting down being that extra bit more uncomfortable now that Vanessa's head was locked securely at her pelvis.

"That's it settled." Bruce nodded with a smile. "Good job, bud." He gave Vinny a high five with his praise. "Any thoughts on dinner? We're gonna need to lay off the salt." He warned Natasha playfully.

"Well, I'm going to go sort out some baby clothes. I'll eat anything as long as it's spicy." Natasha confessed, scooting herself to the edge of the couch. Bruce would get up to help Natasha to her feet.

"I'll help you up the stairs." Bruce offered.

"I can manage the stairs." Natasha smiled. "You worry about dinner."

"I'll come, momma," Vinny announced, tailing his mom on the way out of the room. He quite liked to be involved in every aspect of the pregnancy. Especially the later stages. Decorating the cream and white nursery with his parents was a highlight. Though, Natasha wasn't entirely sure of using it just yet. Perhaps when Vanessa was a few weeks old, she might. "What do we need to do?"

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