Chapter 23: Dust

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The coming years were troublesome, to say the very least.

Leaving him was always hard. Natasha couldn't bear to look at his disappointed expression whenever she had to break the news to him. Grace was a permanent stay at their home, so it meant he wouldn't be alone. Laura came to the rescue more often than not. The fracturing of their relationship... of their family... didn't sit well with Bruce. Becoming only more of a recluse, but still putting in the footwork to maintain a relationship with his children.

Nessy seemed to only be growing bigger and bigger. Natasha was thankful to be there for her firsts, to squeeze in as much time with her daughter as possible. Already, she was toddling around. Her own little person, forming right before her mother's eyes. Unlike her brother, Nessy was almost a carbon copy of her father. Inquisitive hazel green eyes took in the world around her, and her brunette hair framed her youthful face in ringlets. A genetic gift from her mother.

It was after picking up Wanda and Vision in Glasgow, that Natasha desperately had to stop off at the Barton's farm. Clint had been firm on staying out of the coming fight. He couldn't risk his family. Natasha was almost glad. The children would have a capable protector. 

"Momma's gonna have to go away for a while." Natasha broke the news to her son while on a walk around the property. The boy had stopped dead in his tracks.

"But you only just got back." Vinny whimpered, his brows drawing together in a frown which made him look so much like his biological father.

"I know, I know." Natasha closed her eyes with an instant feeling of guilt and regret, kneeling in front of her son. "But there's... the world is getting dangerous. I've godda help." Natasha spoke softly. "There's stuff happening that... that I don't even understand." The redhead shook her head. "But I swear to you, Vinny, I'll do everything I can for you and Nessy to be safe." She promised him, her green eyes searching his identical ones. She pulled her son toward her, and into a tight hug once she saw his eyes filling with tears.

"We're safest with you." Vinny whimpered, burying his face into her. Her tight hold... knowing it may be the last time for months... reduced the boy to soft sobs. "Please, momma. Please don't go." Natasha hung her head, furrowing her brows as she squeezed her eyes closed tight.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry."

Natasha walked the upset boy back to the farmhouse once they had both calmed some. In the distance, the quinjet sat silently. The occupants loitering nearer the entrance. Actively waiting for Natasha. The former spy was able to give her daughter one last cuddle for... well, she didn't know how long. "You be good." She whispered, pressing a kiss to Nessy's temple. Blinking back tears of her own, she passed her daughter over to Laura, the little girl immediately fussing. Whimpering her threats for tears with 'mama' repeated desperately. "I'll see you soon." Her green eyes lingered on Vinny. "I promise." She nodded. Natasha pushed her luck for more time by giving Vinny yet another hug before she simply had to tear herself away. The boy returned to Grace who hugged him tightly.

Clint had walked her out, ensuring she was okay. As okay as she could be. "Be safe," Clint spoke, earning a small smile from Natasha who wrapped her best friend in a hug.

"Look after them."

"You have my word."

Before the incoming battle, Rhodey was recruited to rank, followed by Bruce. Sam's 'this is awkward' comment certainly hadn't gone unheard. Given the current fate of the world, as they knew it, Natasha found it within herself to be civil. Bruce gave them the rundown on Thanos and the incoming threat.

The next stop was Wakanda.

Steve was thrilled to see James' current condition and the progress of his recovery. The rare moment came when the group could take a few moments to rest and eat. They would need all the energy they could muster. Natasha found herself waiting alongside James for their meals. They looked to one another in turn. James more so taking in the blonde hair. The pair eventually shared a brief glance, which seemed enough to break the ice. Both of them uttered a few sounds in the way of an opening sentence, ultimately cutting each other off. "You go first." James offered a small smile, his thick brown beard coating his lower jaw.

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