Chapter 11: Fledgelings

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The morning didn't arrive as quickly as Natasha had hoped. While she slept restfully, she found herself rising early simply in her excitement. With Vinny occupied on his playmat with his toys, Natasha had the time to prepare his breakfast. Porridge with berries, she decided this time. Making herself a portion also while Bruce slept in. Both sat at the table, Vinny in his high chair, Natasha spoon-fed him his breakfast before ultimately deciding to give him complete control of the utensil to enable him to begin learning to feed himself. Natasha leaned back against the wooden back of her chair, a smile settled on her face as she watched Vinny hold onto the blue plastic spoon, dipping it into his porridge with cheery gurgles before lifting it to his mouth. A little encouragement helped him place the spoon into his mouth. "Mmm, good right?" Natasha grinned, picking up her spoon as Vinny went about dipping his spoon into the bowl again. This time, he was able to eat the porridge a little better, sounding a little 'mmm' of his own. "You're a good boy." Natasha cooed, leaning forward to press a kiss to his forehead before she would set about eating her porridge.

While the pair ate, Natasha began printing the house listings she had saved. There were only three that she was deeply considering, but ultimately it would be a joint decision. "Something smells good out here," Bruce spoke from the doorway leading into the bedroom. He certainly saw why Natasha wanted a change of scenery. Just a few steps and he was already in the kitchen with the mother and son. He placed a hand on Nat's shoulder, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

"Oh, that's just me." The redhead shrugged nonchalantly in her usual joking manner.

"I have no doubt." Bruce jested in return, deciding he would go for a simple bowl of cereal that morning. With his first meal acquired, he took a seat at the table with his little family.

"So.." Natasha began as Bruce took his first spoonful of cereal. "I'll be doing my presentation of the potential properties.. I've discovered one is already sold so.. that takes us down to two." Bruce tried his best to nod enthusiastically as he could while he chewed. He would only speak when he had finished consuming that particular mouthful.

"I look forward to it." Bruce smiled. "I can give Vinny a bath if you wanted to print out our options? Maybe see if we can have some viewings today?" He put forth. He didn't miss the glint in Natasha's eye as he put forth his suggestions. It was mildly clear she deeply appreciated his input and genuine interest. While she wasn't entirely open yet.. Bruce was getting rather good at picking up on the small things. Like the way, her lips tightened some and failed to quite catch the smile of excitement threatening to burst through her confines.

"That sounds like a good plan." Natasha agreed, passing off a cool and collected demeanour. By the time Vinny and Bruce both had finished off their breakfasts, spending enough time for their meals to settle while Natasha cleaned up the kitchen, it was soon time for the aforementioned bath. Bruce kept the door open, a gesture for which Natasha was grateful. She needed to only step into the hall in order to check on Vinny. She of course trusted Bruce with their son, but still... motherly instincts, and all.

Natasha set about getting the property adverts printed out in a rather neat fashion. Complete with features, acreage, square footage of the house as well as pictures of each room and the external building. All the while she could hear Vinny in fits of laughter, splashing sounds originating from the bathroom followed by Bruce's own laughter.

It was only when the pages were pushed in turn from the printer that Bruce and Vinny made their way into the lounge, just a few short steps out of the bathroom. "Who had the bath?" Natasha commented, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. Bruce looked just as soaked as Vinny, though the little boy was wrapped in a warm towel and promptly handed to his mother so Bruce could dry himself off.

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